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titleCard 2: Tracking Antenna Validation

Test #1: straight passes. PEGASUS or HOUSTON


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Hover altitude <x>5m in loiter.

  • Verify antenna is able to point towards the drone

< list of reasons why you would want to stop the test >

  1. Translation motion:

Move in <pattern>periodic squares moving away from the tracking antenna.

  • Ensure that the tracking antenna remains pointed at the drone

  • tracking antenna loses track on the drone

< etc >
    • Hover in place and wait.

  1. Translation movement towards extremes of tracking antenna

  • Ensure the tracking antenna continues to function when recovering from extremes

  • Tracking antenna seizes

    • Restart tracking antenna, analyze data, and try again.

titleCard 3: Houston obstacle avoidance

Test #1: Stab mode Lidar Verification


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and hover in STAB 1.5-2m AGL. Verify controls.

  • Verify pitch/roll/yaw directions are correct.

  • Verify that Gemini functionality is retained.

  • Verify that flight modes & flight time is correct.

  • Pitch/Roll/Yaw incorrect

    • land, flip in mission planner, re-start test

  • Drone de-stabilizes.

    • Land, evaluate tune, re-start test

  1. Translational movement @ slow speed towards vertical wall

  • Ensure that the proximity sensor is able to detect a wall.

  • contact with the wall

    • back-off and land. Evaluate prop health. Re-start if possible.

  • Loss of heading reference

    • back-off , re-establish, continue.

  1. Maintain desired distance from the wall while spinning heading vector 360

  • Ensure that proximity continues to track at all angles

  1. Approaches from front/side/rear ascending & descending.

  • Basic characterization of obstacle avoidance properties.

Test #2: Loit mode Obstacle Avoidance


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and hover in Loit mode 1.5-2m AGL. Verify controls.

  • Verify pitch/roll/yaw directions are correct.

  • Verify that Gemini functionality is retained.

  • Verify that flight modes & flight time is correct.

  • Pitch/Roll/Yaw incorrect

    • land, flip in mission planner, re-start test

  • Drone de-stabilizes.

    • Land, evaluate tune, re-start test

  1. Translational movement @ slow speed towards vertical wall

  • Ensure that the proximity sensor is able to detect a wall.

  • Ensure that the drone does not move closer nearer to the wall.

  • contact with the wall

    • back-off and land. Evaluate prop health. Re-start if possible.

  • Loss of heading reference

    • back-off , re-establish, continue.

  • Obstacle avoidance malfunction

    • Back-off, re-attempt.

    • If same behaviour, land and evaluate settings.

    • Continue test if possible

  • Loss of drone handling?

    • land if possible , dis-arm, re-attempt & slower speed.

  1. Maintain desired distance from the wall while spinning heading vector 360

  • Ensure that obstacle avoidance continues to track and function at all expected angles.

  1. Approaches from front/side/rear ascending & descending.

  • Ensure that obstacle avoidance continues to track & function at all expected angles.

Test #3: Auto Mission obstacle avoidance


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Setup an auto mission which passes through an “obstacle”

  • Have a flight path.

  • Path doesn’t generate GG

  1. Set mission to AUTO, takeoff and fly!

  • Ensure obstacle avoidance continues to function!

  • drone does not avoid obstacle

    • Re-take control in stab. Back-away and attempt to re-start.

  • Drone de-stabilizes

    • Re-take control in stab. Back-away and attempt to re-start.

  1. Upon reaching end waypoint, RTL

  • Ensure obstacle avoidance functions in RTL
