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Sections for requesting team to fill out:

  • Admin preparation

  • Test Cards / Test Plan

  • Mandatory Attendees

Sections for flight test coordinator to fill out:

  • Flightline team

  • Location

  • Status

  • Drone

Sections for flightline team to fill out:

  • EFS to fill out Card #1, #2, #3 (Opflow, Tracking Antenna, Obstacle Avoidance)

📋 Admin Preparation

Your status should read “submitted” when you submit the FTR to our Flight Test Coordinator.

Once the coordinator approves, and a date/location/drone has been assigned, the status will change to “waiting for sub team review”. Once all sub-teams have reviewed and signed off, the status will change to “approved”

Requested By

Anthony Luo

Sub-Team Review

(To be checked once reviewed by sub-team representative)

  • Mechanical
  • Electrical
  • EFS
  • Autonomy
  • Operations

Date of Request

Jan 16, 2024

Goal Summary

  • Pegasus Opflow calibration

  • Pegasus MAGFit check

  • Tracking antenna algorithm check

  • Houston Obstacle avoidance functionality check



Desired Airframe

Houston / Pegasus

Location + Time

WrestRC 1300-1800

☀️ Wx,-80.379,8 Waterloo Weather Station


🥅 Testplan - to be filled out by requesting team

Create ONE table per test-item. Eg: “Landing pad images over asphalt”, “landing pad images over grass”, “landing pad images over grass, high” should all be unique tables.

Use each expand to capture one series of tests, eg “Landing pad detection” or “Auto-tuning”.

 Card 1: Pegasus OpFlow + Lidar Calibration

Test #1: Opflow calibration


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Inflow calibration setup

    1. Set RC6_OPTION = 158 (Optflow Calibration)

    2. Setup the EKF3 to use GPS (the default)

      1. EK3_SRC1_POSXY = 3 (GPS)

      2. EK3_SRC1_POSZ = 1 (Baro)

      3. EK3_SRC1_VELXY = 3 (GPS)

      4. EK3_SRC1_VELZ = 3 (GPS)

      5. EK3_SRC1_YAW = 1 (Compass)

      6. EK3_SRC_OPTIONS = 0 (Disable FuseAlIVelocities)

  • Obtain images of <x>

  • Verify colour calibration

  • < anything else you’re evaluating >

< list of reasons why you would want to stop the test >

  1. Setup GPS/Non-GPS transitions (to switch between GPS and Optical Flow inflight)


  1. Ensure EKF3 is being used

    1. EK3_ENABLE = 1
      EK2_ENABLE = 0
      AHRS_EKF_TYPE = 3

  2. Ensure default setup

    1. EK3_SRC1_POSXY = 3 (Primary horizontal position from GPS)

    2. EK3_SRC1_VELXY = 3 (Primary horizontal velocity from GPS)

    3. EK3_SRC1_POSZ = 1 (Primary vertical position from barometer)

    4. EK3_SRC1_VELZ = 3 (Primary vertical velocity from GPS)

    5. EK3_SRC1_YAW = 1 (Primary yaw/heading from compass)


    7. EK3_SRC2_ POSXY = 6 (Secondary horizontal position from External Nav)

    8. EK3_SRC2_VELXY = 6 (Secondary horizontal velocity from External Nav)

    9. EK3_SRC2_POSZ = 1 (Secondary vertical position from barometer)

    10. EK3_SRC2_VELZ = 6 (Secondary vertical velocity from External Nav)

    11. EK3_SRC2_YAW = 6 (Secondary yaw/heading from External Nav)

    12. Ensure the fusing of all velocities are disabled by unchecking the EK3_SRC_OPTIONS parameter's "FuseAlIVelocities" bit:

  3. BENCH TEST (use the auxiliary switch to manually switch between sources)

    1. Connect with a ground station

    2. After switching modes, confirm status via Data Screen messages tab → should be a message

    3. Wait 10 seconds to confirm that EKF stays healthy

      1. EKF label on the HUD should remain white in Mission Planner

    4. Check the vehicle's horizontal position, altitude and heading using the ground station. (what to look for?)

  1. Hover in Loiter mode (>10m)

< etc >

  1. Begin opflow calibration

    1. Pull the auxiliary switch high to start the calibration

    2. Rock the vehicle back and forth in both roll and pitch

  • Check the GCS "Messages" tab for output confirming the calibration is complete

  • FLOW_FXSCALAR and FLOW_FYSCALAR values between -200 to +200 is good

    • FlowCal: Started
      FlowCal: x:0% y:0%
      FlowCal: x:66% y:6%
      FlowCal: x:100% y:74%
      FlowCal: samples collected
      FlowCal: scalarx:0.976 fit: 0.10   <-- lower "fit" values are better
      FlowCal: scalary:0.858 fit: 0.04
      FlowCal: FLOW_FXSCALER=30.00000, FLOW_FYSCALER=171.0000

  1. Use Opflow (Land if GPS/Non-GPS transitions not set up)

If GPS/Non-GPS transitions not set up:

  1. Land the vehicle and setup the EKF3 to use OpticalFlow

    1. EK3_SRC1_POSXY = 0 (None)

    2. EK3_SRC1_VELXY = 5 (Optical Flow)

    3. EK3_SRC1_POSZ = 1 (Baro)

    4. EK3_SRC1_VELZ = 0 (None)

    5. EK3_SRC1_YAW = 1 (Compass)

    6. EK3_SRC_OPTIONS = 0 (Disable FuseAlIVelocities)

  2. Fly the vehicle again to check performance

    1. What are we looking for and what mode?

If GPS/Non-GPS transitions are set up:


    1. RC6_OPTION = 158 (Optflow Calibration)

    2. RC7_OPTION = 90 (EKF Pos Source) low is GPS, middle is OpticalFlow, high is unused

    3. EK3_SRC1_POSXY = 3 (GPS)

    4. EK3_SRC1_POSZ = 1 (Baro)

    5. EK3_SRC1_VELXY = 3 (GPS)

    6. EK3_SRC1_VELZ = 3 (GPS)

    7. EK3_SRC1_YAW = 1 (Compass)

    8. EK3_SRC2_POSXY = 0 (None)

    9. EK3_SRC2_VELXY = 5 (Optical Flow)

    10. EK3_SRC2_POSZ = 1 (Baro)

    11. EK3_SRC2_VELZ = 0 (None)

    12. EK3_SRC2_YAW = 1 (Compass)

    13. EK3_SRC_OPTIONS = 0 (Disable FuseAlIVelocities)

  2. Engage the calibration using RC input 6 (a 2-position switch) and switch between GPS and Optical.

  1. Check lidar calibration?

  1. Review test data?

 Card 2: Tracking Antenna Validation

Test #1: straight passes


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Hover altitude <x>

  • Verify antenna is able to point towards the drone

< list of reasons why you would want to stop the test >

  1. Translation motion:

Move in <pattern>

  • Ensure that the tracking antenna remains pointed at the drone

< etc >

 Card 3: Houston obstacle avoidance

Test #1: Stab mode Lidar Verification


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and hover in STAB 1.5-2m AGL. Verify controls.

  • Verify pitch/roll/yaw directions are correct.

  • Verify that Gemini functionality is retained.

  • Verify that flight modes & flight time is correct.

  • Pitch/Roll/Yaw incorrect

    • land, flip in mission planner, re-start test

  • Drone de-stabilizes.

    • Land, evaluate tune, re-start test

  1. Translational movement @ slow speed towards vertical wall

  • Ensure that the proximity sensor is able to detect a wall.

  • contact with the wall

    • back-off and land. Evaluate prop health. Re-start if possible.

  • Loss of heading reference

    • back-off , re-establish, continue.

  1. Maintain desired distance from the wall while spinning heading vector 360

  • Ensure that proximity continues to track at all angles

  1. Approaches from front/side/rear ascending & descending.

  • Basic characterization of obstacle avoidance properties.

Test #2: Loit mode Obstacle Avoidance


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Takeoff and hover in Loit mode 1.5-2m AGL. Verify controls.

  • Verify pitch/roll/yaw directions are correct.

  • Verify that Gemini functionality is retained.

  • Verify that flight modes & flight time is correct.

  • Pitch/Roll/Yaw incorrect

    • land, flip in mission planner, re-start test

  • Drone de-stabilizes.

    • Land, evaluate tune, re-start test

  1. Translational movement @ slow speed towards vertical wall

  • Ensure that the proximity sensor is able to detect a wall.

  • Ensure that the drone does not move closer nearer to the wall.

  • contact with the wall

    • back-off and land. Evaluate prop health. Re-start if possible.

  • Loss of heading reference

    • back-off , re-establish, continue.

  • Obstacle avoidance malfunction

    • Back-off, re-attempt.

    • If same behaviour, land and evaluate settings.

    • Continue test if possible

  • Loss of drone handling?

    • land if possible , dis-arm, re-attempt & slower speed.

  1. Maintain desired distance from the wall while spinning heading vector 360

  • Ensure that obstacle avoidance continues to track and function at all expected angles.

  1. Approaches from front/side/rear ascending & descending.

  • Ensure that obstacle avoidance continues to track & function at all expected angles.

Test #3: Auto Mission obstacle avoidance


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff criteria

  1. Setup an auto mission which passes through an “obstacle”

  • Have a flight path.

  • Path doesn’t generate GG

  1. Set mission to AUTO, takeoff and fly!

  • Ensure obstacle avoidance continues to function!

  • drone does not avoid obstacle

    • Re-take control in stab. Back-away and attempt to re-start.

  • Drone de-stabilizes

    • Re-take control in stab. Back-away and attempt to re-start.

  1. Upon reaching end waypoint, RTL

  • Ensure obstacle avoidance functions in RTL

Necessary Preparation

Explain what capacity you need, what needs to be mounted, etc.


  • Pegasus cleared to fly (mechanically)
    • sensor mount ready
    • Motors + frame rigid
  • Houston cleared to fly (mechanically)
    • sensor mount attached
    • arms + plates rigid


  • Pegasus cleared to fly (electrically)
    • harnessing secure
  • Houston cleared to fly
    • Harnessing secure
    • ELRS RX’s secure.

Embedded Flight Software

  • Pegasus Ardupilot Configuration ready
    • Opflow → Offsets correct, usage correct ? (EKF3?)
    • Lidar → Offsets correct, usage correct? Height limits set?
  • Houston Ardupilot Configuration ready
    • Failsafes configured (Radio, GCS, Battery, ETC?)
    • 360 Lidar → Configured, ground tested. Distances set properly?
  • Test area SME available
    • Test procedure is clear → Houston & Pegasus
    • Possible deviations from test understood and considered → Houston & Pegasus
  • Software ground tested
    • Ground tests complete on all airframes (on battery over telemetry)
  • Tracking Antenna
    • Tested ? SME ready?
  • ELRS / Radio management correct.
    • ELRS rx’s on houston & pegasus. → Clear unique models.
    • ELRS Airport on houston → Verify functioning.
    • RFD900x on Pegasus → Verify functioning
    • ELRS Trainer → Verify functioning


  • LTE telemetry ready (question)

🫂 Attendees

This is a section for all attendees from your subteam which will be present for this flight test. (because they are testing their products, or otherwise)

 Vehicle Bookings


Phone # (opt)


Driving (question)


Anthony Luo


Y - 5pass SUV

Megan Spee


5-person liftback

Nathan Green


3-277 Dodge Grand Caravan

Ryan Chan


Sam Zhang


Tim Gu


Georgia Vachon Westerlund


This section and remaining to be filled out by FTC and Flightline Team

Flightline Team


Phone #



Megan Spee



Anthony Luo


Pre-Flight Preparation


Incident Procedures

⏲️ Flight Test Timeline





Start charging batteries

4x 6s 5000mah (pegasus)

3x 3s 4000mah (houston)


Begin checklists


Briefing @ WARG Bay


Begin loading vehicles


Arrival at Flight Test Location


Flight Test Card #1 + 2: Opflow calib.


Flight Test Card #3: Houston obstacle avoidance









  • No labels