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Next Steps


Pegasus 2

  • Make arm holes near the center larger and assembly it

  • Center assembly has been loctite

  • Will absolutely try my best to make more landing gears b4 comp (depends on mech team involvement and schedule)

    • plz hand off the second piece of stock to Ryan in ESMS ASAP, it will take some time for the alum to be done

    • If flying peggy 1, should switch to new landing gear on that drone, arms should be interchangable

  • Are we flying peggy 1 or 2 for comp most likely? idk what the status on wiring/when it will be ready to test

    • peggy 1 but we want peggy 2 gear

    • full systems check must be done after EE changes

      • motor direction

Antenna Tracker

  • Needs a spacer before this is can be software tested

  • I need to be given a run down of the tracker design rn, where the problem is and where to add the spacer - Smile Khatri

  • I CADed the spacer, just forgot to make drawing/ask for it to be made, will do after this meeting - Alison Thompson

    • we cannot test at flight test this weekend bc we don’t have material

Misc Cases

  • Gemini case is DONE LETS GOO. Sat down with the EFS leads and mounted the board yesterday.

    • 🔥

    • fans are there

  • What projects before comp?

    • Probably weather proofing? Is Conall still doing that Alison Thompson ? If not, we can assign to Jonathan or Andy if they are down, need someone who can work fast

      • play around and make it work

      • batt shrouds

      • latex could stretch over the whole top

        • thermal ← black bubble & conformal coat

        • hard to take on and off

        • affects aero

        • too much effort not worth the points?

          • drone looks ok so yea

        • if it rains it’s needed

          • install there when we get on the scene

      • Conall said he could do but will be away until at least the 17th

    • possible LED board installation last minute here

      • Smile needs to take them off for the landing gear to swap

        • new landing gear has bushings in the CF tubes and shoulder bolts for alignment

        • tubes need to be swapped for new gears

        • best case is two sets, but we out of bushings (and bolts?)

      • new gear is a large improvement, but old is usable

        • peggy 2 is spare parts for peggy 1

        • efforts for peggy 2 are limitted by bandwidth

      • install boards before fw ready

        • update firmware after install

      • risk pwr system

        • will be on their own system

  • What projects after comp?

    • Really want to pursue making fixed wing.

      • Do not fly ZP, want usable mech data for learning! Change one thing at a time.

      • Maybe chance to test Zeropilot on the fixed wing = more projects for mech and efs?

      • see EE/EFS director syncs, slowly phasing out stuff that doesn’t provide advantage for competition

      • some scheming could be done before comp by leads

        • interchangable wings and/or fuselage?

        • compare sim and real life

        • tackle integration challenges

        • wire foam cutters

          • cutting by hand is ggers

    • I think that this should be a sims + testing project,

      • make sims of geometry that is all halved or doubled dimensions, then fly to see how the sim values effect irl performance

      • run sims on this plane airframe

      • compare sims and irl performance, learning and knowledge!!

    • VTOL

      • is next thing

      • we need to spend a lot of time learning on fixed wing

      • this term after comp focus on fixed wing

      • converter fixed wing to vtol wont be directly transferable

    • Pegasus upgrades based on comp performance

      • prove post comp reliability on peggy 2

  • What kind of support is needed?

    • any fixed wings need support of EE and EFS to get flying

      • hehe don't redo foam wingspar moment

    • need EE and EFS support on architecture for electronics