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Create ONE table per test-item. Eg: “Landing pad images over asphalt”, “landing pad images over grass”, “landing pad images over grass, high” should all be unique tables.

Use each expand to capture one series of tests, eg “Landing pad detection” or “Auto-tuning”.

titleCard 1: Template flight test series
titleAdditional template expandsTask 1

Test 1: Task 1


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff Criteria

  1. Turn on the drone and load the passenger

  • simulate with payload situation

  1. Execute the path_2024 to upload the mission 2 path

  • Make sure waypoint can be flashed onto the drone via dronekit

  • Waypoint flashing not successful

  • Wrong waypoint is being flashed onto the drone

  1. Bring the drone to the flightline

  1. Enable logging



  1. Arm in auto

  1. Wait for the drone to complete 2 laps and land.

  • Make sure drone is following the flight path as expected

  • Check no LTE link lost during flight

  • Drone unstable

  • unable to establish VLOS

  • Timer threshold:

    • flight time exceeded 5 min.

    VBatt below safety threshold: 40V

    • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

    • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

    Lost link

    • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

    • Contact necessary local authorities.

titleCard 2: Task 2

Test 1: Task 1


Goals / Objectives

Knockoff Criteria

  1. Turn on the drone and load the passenger

  • simulate with payload situation

  1. Execute the path_2024 to upload the mission 2 path

  • Make sure waypoint can be flashed onto the drone via dronekit

  • Waypoint flashing not successful

  • Wrong waypoint is being flashed onto the drone

  1. Bring the drone to the flightline

  1. Enable logging



  1. Arm in auto

  1. Wait for the drone to complete the approach

  • Make sure drone is following the flight path as expected

  • Check no LTE link lost during flight

  • Drone unstable

  • unable to establish VLOS

  • Timer threshold:

    • flight time exceeded 5 min.

    VBatt below safety threshold: 40V

    • QLAND immediately, disarm when landed.

    • Recover drone & gather state of batteries

    Lost link

    • Follow lost link procedures. Maintain vlos if possible.

    • Contact necessary local authorities

  1. Pilot lands the drone manually

  • Just below 50% throttle to achieve smooth landing

  • Same as above

Necessary Preparation

Explain what capacity you need, what needs to be mounted, etc.
