Assembly consists of separate top and bottom case pieces.
There should be enough room for the Seeeduino, which was not included in the STEP file I used for reference.
Overall footprint of case is 80mm x 80mm x 30mm.
Author: Sohee Yoon Date: 2024/11/18
CAD review:
Overall looks great! I like how you fillet all the edges and you added clearance to the bottom of the mount. There are a few things that the step file of the board is missing
I checked out the board in the bay and took a pic (image below). A few noticeable differences to the step file:
There are a few screws that attach some circuit parts to the board; they stick out below the board so make sure they aren’t interfering with the mount
I would double check the Seeeduino connection and make sure there is enough clearance with the top mount
If you’re able to, it’ll be great to have a chance to look at the board and make sure all the circuit connections have enough clearance and won’t interfere with the mount
The thickness of the top mount can be decreased to 5 mm instead of 7.5 mm, just to shorten print time
It would be nice if the sections I highlighted in red were at least 2 mm (around 2 mm thickness around the holes) so that when we print it doesn’t print weak/weird. If you think there will be some interference with any connections because of the change, you can leave it and we can see how it prints
I really like the stand offs for the mount but because the edges already supporting the board, I don’t think we necessary need them (it might just take up more print time)
I’m a little concerned with the clearance of the red section in the image below with the board so I might suggest shortening/cutting the section to line up with the mount height/thickness (if that makes any sense)