Enable Network Connectivity:
Turn on your Wi-Fi router, or enable your hotspot.
If using a hotspot, note down the device’s IP address.
Open Command Line Interface (CLI):
Enter the following command:
Code Block mavproxy --master=udp: --out x.x.x.x:port_number
with the forwarding IP address:Router: Use
Hotspot: Enter your noted IP address.
.Code Block mavproxy --master=udp: --out
Mission Planner Configuration
Arduino and Antenna Setup
*If using router for MavProxy - At this point make sure the Laptop you are using is connected the same Router connection
Arduino IDE Configuration:
Open Arduino IDE
Select the XIAO_ESP32C3 as the board.
Open the Serial Moniter
Upload the
code to the Seeeduino board on the tracking antenna.
Calibrate the Antenna:
Identify the north direction and align the tracking antenna accordingly:
Use the Serial Monitor to adjust the antenna direction:
Enter ‘a’ to move -3 degrees.
Enter ‘d’ to move +3 degrees.
Press space and hit enter once calibration Antenna is completefacing north.
Final Check
The tracking antenna should now follow the drone’s location.
Data will display in the Serial Monitor and the MAVproxy window.
Once everything is functioning, you may disconnect the USB cable between the laptop and the Seeeduino board.