Derek Tang
Drone Tuning (+1-2)
Learn to configure ArduPilot controls, and stabilize competition drone
Good introduction to controls
Configure noise filters for sensors
Tune PIDs
Observe flight tests and make adjustments
Excellent opportunity if you want to go to compto competition
CAN LED Board (+1)
Put pretty lights on our drone, and score realism points at competition
Learn about using CAN and PWM on STM32
1-to-1 Motor Mapping (+1)
Build Attitude Manager for ZeroPilot
Learn software design (c++ inheritance, dependency injection)
RFD900 (+1)
Write a driver for ZeroPilot to send and receive telemetry with the ground station
Learn about MAVLink; use UART and DMA on STM32
GPS (+1-2)
Write a drive for ZeroPilot to interact with a GPS to determine its position
Learn about UART and DMA on STM32