2025-01-20 EFS Meeting
Derek Tang
Chandise Anderson
Roni Kant
- Please fill out the W25 Team Roster if you haven’t yet this term: https://forms.office.com/r/ka0MJHJQ9D
Please fill out the leadership interest form if you would like to become a lead starting S25:
Lots of people interested in EFS social (16). Need to find location big enough.
Competition interest form Microsoft Forms
M1 Drivers @Ethan Leung
Message Queue @Dami Peng
Review the interface
Motor Channel (PWM) @Bill Lu
Motor driver is probably working but we need to validate once he gets a Windows laptop
RC Receiver @Chandise Anderson
Currently working on RC driver
Implemented the conversion from SBUS to RC data
Implemented parsing the raw SBUS data
Currently working on the DMA aspect of the driver
Watchdog @Ronald You
Driver was complete
Realized the driver is unnecessary and for simplicity can be implemented in the ioc
An abstraction layer is still needed for mock tests
IOC is updated, need to update the abstraction
More or less done, interface to kick the watchdog without hardware dependencies
SD Card @Ari Van Cruyningen
Preliminarily working
Waiting to get DMA working with it
M2/3/4 Drivers
RFD900 @Aditya Bang
Trying to make two RFD900s communicate
RFD900 tools software not worky
IMU + AHRS @Liam Suter @Kelvin Feng @Richard Dong
Calibrating of BMX160 going well
Sensible readings on gyro and accelerometer
Ready to start coding for the STM board
Researching best sensor fusion alg to use (will prooobably try Kalman first as it’s simple)
GPS @Ria Prakash @Ronak Patel
Been reading through the data sheet
Ready to start implementing
CRSF @Uzayr Hussaini
Check on progress, might move to another task as we might not use CRSF driver
Attitude Manager @Ayoung Eun
1-to-1 Motor Output @Ayoung Eun
Failsafe @Raiyan Samin
Waiting on PR to be done
Arm / Disarm @Raiyan Samin
Waiting on PR to be done
System Manager @Manasva Katyal
RC Passthrough @Sreya Roy Chowdhury
Pretty much done
Arm signal now passed directly to AM will update code
Then will merge PR
Kick Watchdog @Sreya Roy Chowdhury
Waiting on PR
Infrastructure @Thuvaragan Prathifkumar
just assigned
ZP Board Validation @Ari Van Cruyningen
just assigned
LED Board @Nick Armstrong@Tochi Okoro @Billy Karantzoulis
Gotta go through Anni’s list of things for LED Board and turn into actionable items with priority (EFS Leads)
Neopixel control is in a great state
Board-board communication needs work, but the low level CAN side of it is done
Board-Ardupilot communication needs a lot of work, in particular figuring out how to get Ardupilot to spit out relevant messages like speed, braking, etc onto the CAN bus
Servo @Hardy Yu @Allan Su @Ethan Leung
Hardy: Talked to Ben last weekend, and he told me that he might find another task.
6s Power Module @Bryan Ma@Andrew Wang
6S Power Module has been updated
Clarifies what Pixhawk 4 and Ardupilot are
Explains Polling, Interrupt, and DMA
https://github.com/UWARG/efs-can-power-module now has a first commit at
The IOC setup is now set up with port modes (analog input, digital input, etc.)
Next step: start working on driver and get readings from sensor
Baud Rate Auto Sensing @Teighan Miller
Pretty good idea on how to go about baud rate sensing, need to talk with Leads to figure out how to integrate with what we have
Sensor Cluster
On pause until EE gets board
Paused until ZP driver
Lidar @Aidan Fisher
Working on driver
Magnetometer @Henry Wu
tested integration with CAN
rx working with CAN
tx signal on logic analyzer, but nack sometimes
PixArt OFS
Paused until EE board
Radar @Henry Wu
Tracking Antenna @Larry Pan (Jackie Yi)
@Larry Pan Working to debug the decoding/parsing step when handling mavlink data.
Flight test vs simulation results of tracking antenna is different, parsing MavLink data to figure out why and how
ZP Message Queue Interface
ZP SM RC Passthrough
ZP AM 1-to-1 Motor Mapping
Drone Tuning (+1-2) (IMU peeps taking a look)
Learn to configure ArduPilot controls, and stabilize competition drone
Good introduction to controls
Configure noise filters for sensors
Tune PIDs
Observe flight tests and make adjustments
Excellent opportunity if you want to go to competition