Victoria Gee
Georgia Westerlund
Emma Chan Continual bootcamp reviews
Ryan Chan New sponsor poster board -
Georgia Westerlund to review/submit sample layouts to designer
Buy a piece of poster board → print with wprint
Possible wprint sponsorship?
Ryan Chan Updated Peggy Sponsor Stickers -
New layout is done pending review/waiting on updated logos if we get more sponsors before comp
Georgia Westerlund Emma Chan Look into new stickers for battery shrouds (new layout)
Ryan Chan Banner/Flag -
need to find a (cheap) supplier - quote that we found was $300
finalize design
Maybe ask if they can sponsor us?
Victoria Gee Clean up old files, system, etc.
will document before changing anything
This is a really great idea! Onedrive definitely needs a cleanup
Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Double-entry research -
Quickbooks could work (up to 25 people)
Look into a GIT based system
Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Can we plot team funds versus time?
Along the same lines as double-entry, tracking entries and amounts per term
Ledger for team funds (entirely)
Daniel Puratich Integrate system and have Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski own it
Emma Chan
Look into automated financial software options
Update W25 proposal slides
Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski Stanford Fleming Travel Grant -
Proposal due at the end of W25 term
Answer various questions/application for travel expenses grant
Need a status update on this
Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski W25 Wishlist items list should be started asap
Emma Chan Ping people into channel for wishlist items!!!
Georgia Westerlund will push this at leads meeting tomorrow
Charlie Vegas-Kisielowski EngSoc funding proposals due on Feb 24
Victoria Gee Start on sponsorship list
Requires support for identifying sponsors everything in Asana currently, need to sort
updated sponsor tracking? more monetary sponsors?
Emma Chan Ask other subteams for sponsor “wishlist”
Emma Chan Look into sponsorship events, look into UW print sponsorship
Georgia Westerlund Comp shirts
Design nearly finalized
Order will be placed once the competition roster is finalized
Will email with an inquiry this week
Georgia Westerlund F25 Softshell jacket order
Seems like there’s enough interest to do this
I can repurpose the order form from last year for this term
Can be sent out during next week’s announcement
Ryan Chan Patches -
Designer is working on polished drawings, had projects until 11/27, will be calling with her to discuss details.
Ask for round of suggestions, one more iteration set based off that
Look into cost and manufacturing, sizing, etc.
Mid February goal for finalization (assuming finished design around January)