STATUS: Redraw block diagram
Jerry Tian will upload new block diagram after meeting
Question: are we gonna use the GPS listed here? https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ARCHS22/pages/2556133415/Fixed+Wing+2025#Electrical-Components In the old (Jun 2024) block digram, it’s connected to the CAN splitter but It doesn’t seem to support CAN?
M9N GPS… Jerry Tian will verify with Daniel or Nathan regarding CAN capability
How many pitot tubes do we need? where do we want it to be placed at?
just 1, will be placed halfway down the spar of the left wing
Harness timeline
Jerry Tian will host a session to familiarise more EE members with this
Tentativephysical harness done by Feb 23
6s Servo Module (EFS)
EFS: follow up with Roni Kant and Derek Tang
EE: to assemble rev 2 PCB
6s power module (EFS)
STATUS? (last week said we would set due date)
follow up with Roni Kant and Derek Tang
EE to finalize and order connectors
follow up in next eclipse sync
Foam Plane Pilot Training (first flight): Feb 2
Ecplise Strapdown Test: March 1st/2nd
Eclipse Maiden Flight Test: March 8th/9th
Mechanical structure is done, just need to mount electronics (this will hopefully change before tuesday meeting)
Validated the electronics
Mounted everything other than the rudder servo
Need to figure out link quality issues with our ELRS board
Kenny Na will come to foam plane work session next week Monday to check in on this
might happen due to signal reflected back from an empty antenna connector
if unable to get reliable signal link quality will use the over the counter ELRS board we have