STATUS: linkages for the elevators and rudder
task assigned to Rohaan. Smile needs to follow up w/ him this week
STATUS: need to 3D print the elevator and rudder
wasn’t 3D printed this weekend, planning for this weekend or earlier
Timeline: within next couple of weeks (~ Feb 1)
UPDATE: still on target?
STATUS: Redraw block diagram
Question: are we gonna use the GPS listed here? https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ARCHS22/pages/2556133415/Fixed+Wing+2025#Electrical-Components In the old (Jun 2024) block digram, it’s connected to the CAN splitter but It doesn’t seem to support CAN?
do we need 2 pitot tubes?
Harness timeline
Jerry Tian will host a session to familiarise more EE members with this
Tentative Feb 23
6s Servo Module (EFS)
6s power module (EFS)
STATUS? (last week said we would set due date)