Table of Contents | ||
Notes on manufacturing status.
STATUS: Lasercut ribs
STATUS: Manufacturing tasks given out?
Task for laser cutting will be given out so
Timeline: initial prototype within 2 weeks (~ Feb 8), bit more for maiden flight
UPDATE: still on target?
STATUS: linkages for the elevators and rudder
task assigned to Rohaan . Smile needs to follow up w/ who’s on-site, just following up with him this week
STATUS: need to 3D print the elevator and rudder
wasn’t 3D printed this weekend, planning for this weekend or earlier
Timeline: within next couple of weeks (~ Feb 1)
UPDATE: still on target?
STATUS: Redraw block diagram
View file name Eclipse Electrical System Diagram.drawio Question: are we gonna use the GPS listed here? https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ARCHS22/pages/2556133415/Fixed+Wing+2025#Electrical-Components In the old (Jun 2024) block digram, it’s connected to the CAN splitter but It doesn’t seem to support CAN?
how many pitot tubes do we need? where do we want it to be placed at?
Harness timeline
Jerry Tian will host a session to familiarise more EE members with this
Tentative Feb 23
6s Servo Module (EFS)
6s power module (EFS)
STATUS? (last week said we would set due date)