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General Updates
Ryan Scomazzon (onsite)
Meghan Dang (offsite)
Project managers
Kenny Na: Eclipse PM
Nolan Haines Ahmed Osman: Tracking antenna w ELRS
Andrew Chai (offsite) TBD
If you have been around for a term or so and are interested in being PM, reach out and we can get you involved! Could be higher commitment or just leading a bigger project.
We got lots we can do
https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=h1o6cprzIkqSRz_CQMATlnJ_8qERK-dMn1dJnIofYSJUNzUxRjc2T1BOWFI4U1ZSUlgyMDBBSFRHNy4u feedback/leadership interest
Meeting times
How does this time work?
Not too late to fill out https://lettucemeet.com/l/ROLvD
Work sessions
What times work for everyone?Project manager changes
Kenny Na Is now a work session PM and will be organizing/running most work sessions
Jerry Tian Will be the eclipse PM instead.
Work sessions
Competition Interest Form
This MUST be considered if you want to go to competition
We can only bring 10 people so we definitely can’t bring everyone
Start of term board order
Waiting on ELRS redundant diversity RX
cutoff date this friday
Pick&Place machine
discussed at leads & sdc meeting Ryan Scomazzon to fill in details from SDC meeting
In order of priority. These are the active design projects.
Andrew Chai - Research into new PM project?
RPi Interface Rev C - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net) Kenny Na Daniel Puratich
ELRS Redundant Diversity RX - Electrical - WARG (atlassian.net)Nolan Haines
like 99% done. doing finishing touches and getting a clear DRC
12S Pre-Charge Controller ModuleRobert Tang Kevin Li
Water System Controller rev 2 - Electrical - WARG Shawn Yang
Open Tasks
Peggy harnessing?
Pegasus current limit checking
Action Items
Look into Pix current limits
Look into new projects: BMS, PDB etc…
Follow up un redundant rx
Make thread for board order and discuss chinese new year