LED Board Nick ArmstrongTochi Okoro Billy Karantzoulis Worked on implementing the central node election algorithm Billy joined the team and is taking a look at writing Ardupilot-side scripts in Lua to generate CAN messages with info like altitude, speed, etc Tochi and I are still looking into what she wants to work on
Servo Hardy Yu Allan Su Ethan Leung Onboarded both Allan and Ethan on this project Not much has been done so far, we are a little blocked by the hardware single servo drive pcbs are missing 😞 plz let us know if anyone has seen it 6s servo module rev2 is currently undergoing its assembly maybe we could use 6s servo module rev1 for now or just focus on the software
6s Power Module Bryan MaAndrew Wang Small edits made in 6S Power Module Link to project repo now on doc Link to Battery Monitoring Circuit datasheet added Link to EE Altium design added (for those with access to it)
Tried to flash an empty program (for the 2nd time) onto the 6S Power Module Hardware, but without success STM32CubeIDE could not detect any targets Suspecting debug cable might be cut open while the connector was being shaved This was working during the 1st time when no connectors were shaved
Baud Rate Auto Sensing Teighan Miller Code to test and detect common Baud Rates is written. Next steps are to test the code on a board to see if it's working properly. Working on learning how the CAN Bus connects to the Nucleo Board
Sensor Cluster |