Some will be on Fridays for Evans schedule
Last flight test(s)
Feb 23: https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AQA4t
Good progress for IR detection system
false detections
camera settings are pretty good
configs are being adjusted
Flew with Houston and successfully identified IR beacon at multiple altitudes
can be tested on the ground for a lot of this
couple hundred from last FT
some false detections are from snow reflection
vibe on Pegasus is a concern
specific mounting to help minimize
making a new mount takes time
Mar 2nd https://uwarg-docs.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AYC5sw
Peggy validation flight for W25 was successful. Flew well and same as last term
Goal was to test KML sending over MavLink on Peggy → not complete
Issues with Pi and temperature/weather that caused this test to not be successful
Tuning airframe had two flights that will allow logs to be analyzed for more adjustments
Next flight test
Mar 7th (Tomorrow)
Task 1 Sim, KML messages over MAVLink, and foam plane pilot training
IR Beacon arrival is blocking for competition simulation, order is placed
will need EE modifications when they arrive
Board is unblocked now after midterms pog
Figured out how to do BEMF sensing
Planning to jam pack the STSPIN with optional sensing since it has many op amps built in
Can do FOC with shunt resistors, but too expensive for this ESC
Should give it a shot if the added complexity doesn’t push design to 6 layers
Tracking Antenna Controller + ELRS Gemini Tx Ahmed OsmanNolan Haines
we need to solder the tx modules that game recently on the gemini tx board and test asap
once done we can get started on the architecture
Ishman Mann can get involved
ELRS Gemini Xrossband TX Ishman Mann
architecture defined. Schematic in progress
2 different frequencies (hence “Xrossband”)
lower frequency for better range
higher frequency for better throughput
ground-side transmitter
Jeremy Poulin interested in schematic & component selection
12V Input to 65W USB-PD Source - Electrical - WARG Ian Van Den Steen
Need to figure out current sense.
Andrew Chai to help review low-side shunt configuration
Other than that need to change a couple things in schematic (change GPIO), do filter sim, then will go onto layout
Stalled until someone is able to drive it (Megan Lee interested after getting more experience)
Open Tasks
contextContext: Zeropilot 4.0 Hardware (ZP4HW)
other boards
zp + interface + sensors + power + = good
arch meeting
for foam plane wing
shield or board
Daniel Rolinsky
Action Items
test tx