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A common example of a hardware interrupt is a GPIO interrupt, such as a user pressing a button and changing the state of the pin from HIGH to LOW. Another type of interrupt is a UART interrupt, where the program will stop itself upon receiving new input from the UART peripheral for you to deal with.

Application Notes

  • Your compiler doesn’t know when an ISR occurs, and thus may optimize out variables that are inside the ISR. Thus, it is important to understand the concept of the C keyword volatile, further reading can be found in my article here: Volatile

  • In an interrupt, your goal should be to get in, address what you need to as possible, and get out. The interrupt is NOT a place to be doing large amounts of computational power. Instead, set a flag for your code to read and to address. In an RTOS, a binary semaphore is a cheap way to do this.

  • Don’t try to print() in an ISR, it is a bad idea. Just don’t. Try it for yourself if you don’t believe me (wink)
