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SM is the most high-level software in ZP3 which decides how to properly coordinate the other managers such that the drone can fly under the control.

List of Features:

  • not necessarily a state machine, a linear loop may work better

  • with methods under a class object for encapsulation purposes

  • it is procedural instead of multithreading

  • it does input/output

  • it doesn’t manage individual managermanagers, instead, it talks to ardupoilt for what it needs

  • generally, decide what to do next


  • does it have any freeRTOS featurefeatures? - it has?

  • does Are IO separately manage managed by SM? what are the IOs - ppm mavlink

  • a linear loop that calls everything we may need but we grab the data we need for the algorithm can really simplify the SM - yes

  • we may need the states to indicate the managers neededactivated (with PM/without PM) - always without PM because PM is replaced by ardupoilt