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Daniel Puratich Representing WARG for second SDC sync of F23. This is directors only so if you have something you want Daniel to mention please discuss it in 2023-11-01 Leads Meeting .


From Professor Teertstra: We will be holding our second team leads meeting this Thursday from 3:30 – 4:30pm in E5-2004.  I’ve attached an agenda for the meeting – if there is anything you would like to add please let me know in advance.

  • Introductions

  • Vehicles

    • Purchase of new team vehicle

    • New driver registration, active drivers list

    • Branding of vehicles, trailers

    • Dashcam / ELD system updates

  • Sponsorship discussion – Jill Kennedy, Associate Director, Development, Faculty of Engineering

  • Giving Tuesday update

    • Proposed use of 2024 donations

    • Sharing details with potential donors via social media

  • Discussion – new student team formation, registration process

  • Miscellaneous

    • Branded items for loan from Engineering Events – tents, banners, etc.

    • Sandford Fleming Foundation travel grant


  • Discussed in #leads is some stuff about vehicle drivers list

    • We can reduce the having your G license for certain amount of time before being an SDC driver rule.

      • I have a feelin this is insurance required and no chance it’ll get changed but worth asking

      • This requirement doesn't do anything for safety

  • Upping the vehicle max speed

    • sometimes exceeding the limit is required for safety

    • Up from 105 to 130 ish


  • New dodge caravan for sdc, photos shown

    • minivan will have a trailer hitch for a small trailer

  • Concern of miles on Rav4, its getting old and could be a liability for long trips

    • focus it for close trips around town

    • no issues recently

    • not getting rid of it

  • new driver registration

    • Since may dedicated person for driver registration

    • for booking ask Graeme or Sarah to get her contact

    • some requirements to be aware of

    • interview is setup, screening proccess

    • how long have you had your license

    • privacy consent form to send your details to insurance company to see if u dont have outstanding legal issues

    • then you can book and use vehicles

    • keeping list current, contact teams twice a year

    • a lot of driving experience

      • this is considered

      • km driven is important on the

    • must have G license

      • hehe I asked question about requirement they essentially said dont worry about the time, just apply and you’ll most likely be accepted and then you’re good

      • The time you had your G1 and G2 is considerred

      • so everyone with a G already has like a year with their G1?

      • should be totally fine for people without any time to apply

  • Westmount signs is vinyl and carbon fiber printer for UWFE, uwaterloo will look into them

  • Dashcam system

    • the dashcam/ELD system

    • it uses OBD port on the vehicle

    • “if your driving good you wont realize it’s there”

    • GPS built in, records individuals driving styles

      • harsh brakes, harsh turning, unsafe things result in Teertstra emails

      • there are videos sent

      • audio and video is recorded

    • doing 110 in an 80 is not good (specific instance cited)

    • you must be comfortable with video in vehicles, this is true for all instances and you agree to it when signing

    • Repeated harsh events from a particular driver results in call from Teertstra

    • This device logs your hours so if you’re pulled over for inspection this provides evidence


    • i did not ask about upping the speed limit, it seems kinda unnegotiable by the tone

    • truck and trailer trainning is done as needed so request if you want it

  • Companies in the past have approached SDC teams directly

    • i.e. Tesla Event, BETA event in the past term

    • If company sponsors our specific team then go for it and allow them to host events as long as its within your sponsorship package

    • If it is larger than just your team we want to provide equity to companies

    • Jill for advancement can help with setting this up

    • Ask companies to sponsor our team before allowing them to run an event, essentially they want it to be pay to win for companies

      • they pay for us in terms of sponsorships then we let them

      • to get access to all of us then they have to sponsor the entire university / sdc ?

    • Kind of an interesting angle from an “equity” perspective

    • Want to streamline the proccess of how to handle approaching companies

    • Jill’s team is up to review out sponsorship package, she can connect teams with us

      • companies are checking out our pages etc

    • Tesla and Rivian events were the big ones that caused this discussion

      • Tesla gave 625$s to every team that participated in their event

        • did we ever receive this?

          • hit up MNS if not?

          • we were clearly marked as a participating team and helped with coordination

        • this is a small amount considering the amount of exposure they got

      • Toyota does pay the university a lot of money (more than Tesla) and received worse access so that’s really not fair

        • Toyota gives money for the broad community and so does not sponsor teams directly, they gave a large amount to the faculty of engineering and some of that trickled down to SDC teams

    • Face time or recruiting opportunities should be included in our sponsorship packages

      • we are valuable as students

      • UWFE is the only team that has this currently (every other team doesn’t)

        • but they run it on a case by case basis when requested

        • leaving it open ended seems besr

    • Students have more personal interest, non-financial interest, in Tesla & Rivian then they do in Toyota so like are have more incentives for attendance to events

      • We have to send this through the proper SDC channels instead of handling directly

    • Formlabs came through a while ago

      • Formlabs felt better return from dealing with teams then they did from dealing with the university

      • How do we define a small amount, how is this policy of looking for equity on a company perspective, how is this enforceable? ← question i asked

        • response is essentially it cannot be enforced so its more a guideline thing?

    • There’s not a dollar amount threshold

      • teams should only get involved if they’re getting sponsored directly

      • SDC isnt in business of doing recruiting events exactly how employers want

        • want to funnel events through the proper channels

    • teams decide their own sponsorship packages and dollar values

    • from univ perspective, company needs to pay university or teams to get a recruitment event

      • recruiting events are a banefit for students and not just companies

      • as students we dont want to force companies to pay

      • the tesla event was a whole lot less hectic because set up by us students

      • students come to teams to build the resume

      • Univ wants to value us as well,

    • more coordinated is the goal of this conversation, will not be hard requirements for sponsors in the future to have to pay to have an event

    • univ wants to keep equity to keep their existing sponsors happy

    • Tesla in total spent more money transporting their people (thirteen people) then they spent on donating to our teams

      • Beth handles the legal aspects of insurance for these events, insurance was required for MNS,

      • Can email Teertstra or Jill as well!

    • From Teertstra “we are undervaluing with we’re worth to companies”

    • They will step in for larger events with lots of students

  • Giving Tuesday

    • photos have been sent in, will be given to all donors from last year to prime them for this year

    • last year we got 28k, we fully spent that money on two minivans

    • this year we’re expecting same amount or more,

    • there isn’t a large capital item we’re thinking about so “dream fund concept” is proposed on a handout (will be uploaded).

      • is uploaded below

      • note this is currently just a concept

    • instead of giving each team an even split (would be 700 dollars per team), we would have to make a proposal. Think similar to dean’s funding

      • do not include regular operating exepnses

      • think of something thats normally not paid for

        • we have no way of doing it without this sponsorship

        • something we’ve wanted to do but can’t afford

      • something that can be done in short term

      • Teertstra wouldn’t be on this committee for evaluation, donors or student gov or deans funding people will be on this committee

      • this will sell really well to donors!

      • example of something to be covered:

        • UWFE taking car to Europe competition

        • Expand test track

      • should teams try to request it all or do small amounts? do we encompass the entire amount?

        • if it’s divided out to 40 teams it’s divided into nothing

        • maybe it gets split between like 5 teams, maybe a cap on how much that can be requested similar to how dean’s fund does

          • reasonable cap for a dream lol we dunno

          • goal to fund like five or six “dreams”

    • open to feedback and suggestions

    • the goal is to benefit SDC students and get cool stories to tell to future sponsors, committee include someone from the SDC, maybe a student, committee membership will be decided as a group of SDC leads

    • Not all purchases benefit everyone so to be fair having a capital item isnt really doable

      • Watonomous doesn’t have a competition

    • making this fair is tough

    • if there are cool capital purchases that should be considerred, let Teertstra know!

    • university matches funds from donors for challenges, the SDC in total gets a lot of money, sending stuff out on our socials during giving tuesday week is really important, oppertunities for bonus dollars for us if we do this?

  • leaving the new team formation / registration proccess for another time bc running out of time

  • banners/tents for events

    • there are uwaterloo eng banners in the closets that graeme and terrtstra have access to

    • ask them when were going to competition

    • two banners

    • three tents

    • usable for competition, just request and we take em

    • take advantage of these branded items

  • Stanford flemming foundation

    • big uwaterloo donor

    • travel and exchange support

    • they have undergraduate travel grants, max 1k per team or 250 per person

      • 1k cap on this travel

      • not a lot of effort in applying

    • can be used to offset travel planes

    • write proposal to this

    • very undersubscribed

    • lots of extra funds that arent given out every year

    • awarded annually, deadline for submission is end of winter term, only taken once every year

    • they do retroactive so it goves back in time.

    • if we want for may we should submit by winter, see their website

    • a few teams have done this (UWFE and Baja)

      • they have requested a lot more than 1k and gotten away with it

      • theyre very generous

    • travel grant straight fwd, other grants can be more monies

Post Meeting Notes

  • For safety inspection Graeme said there’s a google doc for adding in our name, today is booked but coming days are available

  • Document for dreams fund idea:
