2023-11-01 Leads Meeting
Daniel Puratich
@Daniel Puratich
@Conall Kingshott
@Amy Hu
@Georgia Westerlund
@Nathan Green
@Anthony Luo
@Neha Srivastava
@Mena Azab (Deactivated)
@Megan Spee
@Mihir Gupta
@Michael Botros
@Christopher Chung
@Ayoung Eun
@R D (Deactivated)
@Georgia Westerlund
Jackets have arrived
Currently figuring out the payment method
could be taken out of team funds,
could all etransfer one person then someone etransfers to team funds
pay out of team funds, have people pay cash
Seeing what Sarah suggests
@Georgia Westerlund
EngSoc request sent last week
still waiting for response from them
deans funding is done
submitted MEF presentations
prez on Tuesday
WEEF sponsorship proposal due at the end of this month
@Daniel Puratich @Georgia Westerlund
Waiting to see if we can get a Power BI Pro license
@Megan Spee @Daniel Puratich @Anthony Luo @Georgia Westerlund
Timeline and expectations from leads/directors regarding contribution?
We will be scheduling a grind session for this when we’re available, want to get as many people in on it as possible.
A lot of it we aren’t sure on details so it’s complicated, if you have design decision stuffs can be dropped as unformatted comments for rough ideas, Anni can troll on most of it but as real as it can get. business proposally and no so technical
Nov 6th draft goal but we may miss that, real due date is in gcal, finish before exams
@Megan Spee
Form is released publicly.
What is the path forward we want here timeline wise?
We should decide on competition vehicle and people count before exams
Wait till next term for selection of people
@Daniel Puratich lots of yall r stepping down so we should vote on abd get nomination process going around now so we can onboard people before end of term and ensure that buttery smooth transition!
I updated Promotion Process for clarity, it felt kind of all over the place before
So with announcing the idea is to ensure members get to say their piece
at leads meeting with just vote yes or no on a candidate that that subteam lead has put forward after evaluating their subteam otpions
will announce at next meeting to get people to nominate themselves, will announce to subteam, next leads we vote next leads meeting
Hardy was already talked to, but want to make it more transparent
Derek was also interested
Aadi & Chris are doing 8 month co-ops next term so want new leads
Chris really enjoy the mentorship stuff and wants to lean more there
Aadi in same boat
We will need to look into new flight test coordinator if Hardy is promoted! Need to work on onboarding to get things up to speed
Conall is stepping down end of term, continue with mentorship, will be onsite next term
Will abstain from succession process
Nathan spoke with Alison who is interested, interest form was announced a while ago
has been on team longest and does everything just not by title
Smile was another very good candidate, don’t want three Mech leads on one term
Mech team isn't big enough to warrant three leads
After next term Nathan will be looking at stepping down (~ January)
will be another opportunity
Vote passed.
Michael will be stepping down end of this term
Want to bring on Neel and Jerry
Neel done a lot in person
Haven’t done standard PM to lead pipeline
Decent amount of time for rest of term for bring up
Has been announced, asked both Neel & Jerry
Having four leads may be too many for EE
Mena & Nolan will be offsite next term
Neel & Jerry will be onsite next term
Could promote just one and then have three EE leads?
Would be the first time having more than three subteam leads for a subteam though the stream split is good
Both passed!
Both thinking of stepping down after next term, but haven't talked about it
Will stay on for next term, will discuss workload in future!
@Neha Srivastava Announcement for bay cleaning time with leads to prepare for possible termly safety inspection.
Turn out has been low in the past, get subteam members to come out, leads announce!
SDC hasn’t responded to emails with respect to safety inspection
Neha is emailing to ask to book one, emails are being sent, see disc conversations
Run cleanup like a week before the inspection date
Registration due end of month, @Daniel Puratich will do this eventually gg
Team funds, Daniel get the request goin, emails are in!
@Daniel Puratich going, anything we care about?
2023-11-02 SDC Sync ← meeting mins and all info here
Anni will ping me with thoughts later with respect to vehicle management
@Daniel Puratich
Last one was poor due to: No ping, after midterms, and it was around Halloween.
There’s a thread for ideas for the social after
what do people wanna hear at general meeting?
potentially information could be better at general meeting
coming to campus for a short meeting is not worth it
Cut back on technical and more of how to get involved
make it more hype
Get less technical and more of how people can get involved
General meeting social as well
Team General
@Daniel Puratich
We’ve observed some candid feedback from people and Daniel is communicating that to the team
Discuss some candid feedback observed from others regarding bootcamp
Effort requirement for bootcamp
it is fairly high especially for mech and EE
Work session and meeting visibility
we should be clear when meetings are and be as inviting as possible to newer members either in the bootcamp doc or the
Encourage people to ask questions so they don't feel stuck
Bootcamps being inviting.
Possibility of other subteams doing what EFS does for bootcampers with sessions to make asking questions really easy? Then again this is a large load on EFS.
Just something to consider.
@Anthony Luo
We don't have a formal plan for the term step by step
We kind of roll with the punches
We are on track currently for goals
@Anthony Luo
Encourage people to get started, we want to start bringing people up!
Lots of people are intimidated by the process but we want to start throwing people into it and getting them piloting