2023-09-13 Leads Meeting


  • We should be able to make this a fast one

  • Conops not yet released



  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Megan Spee


  • @Conall Kingshott

  • @Nathan Green


  • @Mena Azab


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

Embedded Flight Software

  • @Aaditya Chaudhary

  • @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated)

  • @Christopher Chung


  • @Mihir Gupta

  • @Amy Hu


@Daniel Puratich coordination, what subteam leads want to do here ???

Thx subteam leads for updating this. Any questions? EFS in progress.

@Anthony Luo will be reformatting the document soon.

  • Operating principles, guidelines, “how-to’s” should live in subteam spaces and be linked in as references or supporting documentation to the arch document

  • Year-by-year (year specific) decisions & explanations should live as subpages

  • top-level should really be a “here’s what the system is and what it does and how to use it”

    • not “why did we do this” but “here’s what this does”.

    • Should let someone who is new to the team or new to integration see what goes together and how it goes together with minimal complexity.

    • This top-level will later be copied-pasted as a “operators guide” (maybe split up into sub-pages) into the sysint space.

    • should link to other docs with justifications

  • Document to be updated continually at the top-level. Subsystems may keep changelogs as sub-pages (they’re revisioned in history regardless, but it can be hard to search through)


follow up next week

@Anthony Luo

  • Flight-directors going to be people who have had previous experience as pilot or GSO (eg nathan, aidan, megan)

  • Looking for new pilots/GSO’s capable of flying houston and working towards being able to fly position-controlled airframes.

    • Anni to make workshop / presentation slides

    • Document currently under Admin and paired with operating manuals in sysint.

  • @Hardy Yu popoff


@Anthony Luo to announce

  • See AEAC 2024 asana page. Check as often as you can updates are going to start going out through there since we’re all async a bunch of the time.

  • ● AEAC 2024 - Asana

  • Still waiting on flight programs from most subteams, if I don’t get a ping to a doc/pdf/discord wall of text by the end of leads meeting I’m going to explode and start zapping electronics

@Daniel Puratich still needs to book Robohub, trainings grind, if anyone else finishes it first, plz book

possibly @Mihir Gupta or @Aidan Bowers (Deactivated) has finished training and can book?

Open Discussion