2023-10-04 Leads Meeting



  • @Anthony Luo

  • @Daniel Puratich

  • @Megan Spee


  • @Conall Kingshott


  • @Christopher Chung

  • @Mena Azab

  • @Michael Botros

  • @Neel Patel


  • @Georgia Vachon Westerlund

Embedded Flight Software



  • @Amy Hu



@Daniel Puratich Trying to slow it down this time. Discussed with @Conall Kingshott in discord.

@Daniel Puratich will set this up.

Please give us feedback, we need it. The ship is impossible to steer blind. We want to improve and hear everyone out.

Should WARG have three emails total? One for directors, one for leads, one for general members?

  • No to warg equipment getting a confluence bc we want to know who wrote documentation

  • WARG equipment having an email would be useful for like Nvidia account etc.

  • Just password lock folder, do not request any new emails, try to see if this is possible

@Daniel Puratich to spend more time talking about updates to admin confluence docs as discussed with @Conall Kingshott

All leads are welcome to leave comments on these with concerns. If it doesn’t require discussion then just make the edits yourself, its totally fine!

Updated docs:

Docs that we’re edited but should be reviewed as integral to the team’s existence:

  • updated a few months ago

@Daniel Puratich Please leads announce the forms in #announcements to your members at subteam meetings

  • social

  • merch

    • lets get these jackets

    • deadline is Friday, Oct 6 at 23:59

@Daniel Puratich Please give me feedback

Should time be moved to 4pm?



Open Discussion