Individual Reliance
All members (including leadership) of WARG should augment and enhance WARG as a team. The team should benefit with respect to accomplishing goals outlined in Team Charter (2021-2024) by the existence of all members.
However, WARG shouldn’t be reliant on a single person’s existence for long term viability of the team. If a single person disappears their documentation and knowledge transfer to others should allow for their constituents to carry on easily without them. If you feel as though any WARG system is reliant on you look toward documentation (as described in Recruiting ) and recruiting (as described in Recruiting ) as the primary viable resolutions.
In the past WARG has had instances of members deliberately building themselves into processes such that it was hard to pick up the pieces when they were gone. We all come and go, please plan on that happening! We as a team have tried to enforce to some degree this via the key policies within Data Handling but it should be also be deliberately understood by all!