Versions Compared


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Competition (AEAC) Related Project(s) + Breakdown

  • Harnessing

  • Weatherproofing (maybe)





    Propulsion + Ctrl


    • Motor mounts

    • ESC Mounts

    • Power delivery, power mgmt, power monitoring

    • ESC Telemetry

    • ESC Configuration

    • Filtering

    • RPI LTE telemetry passthrough comms



    • Enclosures, Mounting

    • Weatherproofing

    • Harnessing

    • Weatherproofing (maybe)

    • Sensor configuration

    Video System


    • Enclosures, Mounting

    • Harnessing

    • Power delivery

    • Ardupilot MUX configuration

    • CV images via LTE Forwarding


    • Tracking antenna mounting

    • Harnessing

    • Video Relay

    • GCS Video Ingest

    • Object Detection

    • Geolocation

    Command & Telem


    • Enclosures, Mounting

    • Harnessing

    • Power delivery

    • Diversity RX firmware

    • LTE Telemetry

    • RPI / mavproxy


    • Tracking antenna HWhardware

    • Harnessing

    • Nucleo Shield

    • Gemini TX

    • Gemini TX Firmware

    • ELRS Relay

    • LTE Telemetry

    • GS Information fwd'

    • Pathing



    • Enclosures, Mounting

    • Sensor configuration

    Pegasus airframe

    (Airside - non subsystem specific updates)

    • Airframe

    • Payload

    • Shrouds

    • Harnessing

    • Lighting

    • Battery / power mgmt

    • Sensor layout

    • Ardupilot Config

    • CV/Auto-land/LTE/RPi hardware infrastructure

    Tracking Antenna

    (groundside - non subsystem specific updates)

    • Design + Build

    • Nucleo shield

    • Harnessing

    • Tracking algorithms

    • Communication algs

    • Antenna testing and selection

    • GCS Information fwding (question)

    Non-Competition Projects

    Annis bright ideas!!!!





    Small/Medium Multirotor Frame

    Director: Megan Spee

    Build the Frame

    Harnessing & Connector standardization

    Software testing on-board frame

    Software testing in the air

    Zeropilot 3 SW

    Director: Anthony Luo

    Fixed wing test vehicle (foamie)

    ZP3 PCB

    Software Complete

    Fixed Wing Frame

    Director: Megan Spee

    Build the Frame

    (Minimal) harnessing

    Software testing.

    Thrust Stand

    Director: Megan Spee
