Versions Compared


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Attitude Manager now runs as a threaded event loop, generating a new result at a constant time (Since PID’s run using approximated integrals and derivatives, it is important to keep timing as constant as we can). There are three main elements or “sections” of the event loops:

  1. Getting Instructions (from


  1. System Manager)

  2. Running Controls Algorithms

  3. Output Mixing

Out of the three events, the most complicated is running controls. It is the only event with “memory” of the system state, since getting instrucitons and output mixing quite literally do what they’re told to do in one step. Attitude Manager expects a common type of data from system manager, as follows:


This does mean that two controls algorithms may have to run simultaneously, but only for brief moments in time.

Runtime & Over-The-Air (OTA) configuration

PID default values will be runtime configurable (loaded in from an SD card). State mixes, etc, should be statically typed in memory.

PID Values may be updated OTA, and new values can be logged to another text file (with messages) should you wish to reconfigure the drone later. This will largely be handled by system manager.