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🛸 General Team Status/Schedule (inc. other subteams):

  • Meeting times/

    • EFS Meeting: Tuesday 7-8 PM

    • General: Thursdays 8-9 PM

    • EFS Work Sessions: Tuesdays 8-9PM

  • Houston Delivered Feb 4

  • ZP ↔︎ PX Integ testing Feb 11?

  • W23 buy list going through tonight


In Person









  • Aadi

  • Alex

  • Anni

  • Armaan

  • Aryan

  • Ayoung

  • Darwin

  • Egor

  • Hardy

  • Ishman

  • Neha

  • Rahul

  • Stanley

  • Taim

  • Tony

  • Yuchen

Meeting recording

2023-01-31 19-00-05.mkv

🖥 PR’s and Reviews

Draft PR for PM auto takeoff/landing (Gordon, Stanley, Liang, Aadi(?)):



✈ Priorities & Action Items:

fill out team roster here:
you must complete the training to work onsite. Deadline is Jan 31

  • W23 Buy List Coordination (Taim , Yuchen, Ryan, Simone, Hamza)

  • Deadline for flight critical systems Feb 4 & Feb 11

    • PPM, Comms, TM, etc.

    • Ideally we run an integration test feb11.

🍍 Updates this week!

(Updates here → see table of contents for structure)

ZeroPilot 3

ZP-Ardupilot Integration (





, Neha, Stanley


System Manager (Gordon, Stanley)

  • Gordon to come up with payload for mavlink?

  • GlobalFlag object approved, waiting to merge as it is part of base ZP3 arch, not comp arch.

Path Manager (neha, Liang)

  • Synced with Liang → will start waypoint following implementation

  • Documentation is updated now

  • Building PM → takeoff/landing done end of this week PM Takeoff/landing builds → draft PR up (if i havent added link you have permission to yell at me)

    • I know there were some SM changes → does that affect this

    • Plan is to make it a real PR, get approved, and merge before flying on a drone then make another branch for “fixes” (this is so the branch doesn’t get super old and outdated while being tested)

Attitude Manager (Ishman, Armaan)

  • needs tuning

  • Anni had a quick meeting to let them know of what attitude manager is

  • started on driver for CV, plan to get done today.

  • Sync to talk about LOS driver this week

    • Hailey

    • Chris

    • Tony

  • Ardupilot ZP integ discussed

  • air to air can be very similar to air-ground in terms of los driver
    • Main task is to get Phoenix tuned

    • Deliverables: document on plan to get tuning done.

Telemetry Manager (aadi)

Telemetry Manager (aadi)

  • CV side of RFD driver merged in WARG common, new repo that contains common code… same driver for air and ground side.

  • Having sync tomorrow

  • LOS_Comms: got interrupts working, need to follow los interface pattern.

    • Plan to finish writing and testing tomorrow



  • LOS POS ? (Mostafa, Chris)

    • tried to reconfigure

    • Maybe Armaan and Ishman can help out… also pratyush

    LOS Link

    Finally merged in!


    • got bmx160 working on L5

    • couldn’t get sensor fusion to work

      • send message to anni to talk about possible issues

  • LOS Link

    • Configurations need to be re-added.

  • LOS Actuators

    • PWM tested by anni before the start of the termDSHOT still needs to be tested and we need to add DSHOT300 (currently at 150did output, since the clock freq changed to 110Mhz it messed up timing.

      • Will add runtime calculations to make sure the timing is correct no matter the configuration (clock freq, prescaler, period)

  • LOS Telem/comms (aadi, yuchen, hailey, alex)

    • Meeting this week, aadi will send out a lettucemeetLook at Telemetry Manager Update

  • Logging?

    • LOS_LOG has not started… driver is still in prototype repo and needs to be ported to L5DARWIN HA

Drivers (lets try and get names added soon)

  • VN-300 (ChrisTony)

    • Haven’t started testing yet

    • Stanley was testing by just sending UART commands over using the VN software

      was not working when sending commands using the stm32

      Last known thing was that it wasn’t working with L5.

    • Able to try UART to VN to and from ardunio

      • next step is to test with L5 nucleo, new project, pure UART stream

  • Neo M.8 (Ayoung, Hardy)

  • Started with shell code, planning on grinding some this week

  • Through the GUI, GPS is having a hard time connecting to satellite

    • Works now! GPS sensor can receive data from sat

    • Can parse data into useable information

    • Compared to google coordinates and the integer part is the same but the decimal is different

    • Faced problem when using the debugger that they went into the hardfault handler

  • airspeed (Hardy, Ayoung)

    • To be tested via a car and ported to LOS driversNo update… still waiting on testing

  • SD Card (Darwin)

  • Mavlink? ()Tony/Alex

    • discussed in meetingSee Zp ardu integration section

  • RFD900? (Los Telem/Comms team)

    • Aadi is currently testing using python scriptSee Telemetry manager section

  • Jetson? (Los Telem/Comms team)

    • same driver, discussed in meetingSee Telemetry manager section

  • Current/Voltage Sense (Aryan)

    • currently setting up ADC driver that can be converted to current and voltage sensor

Systems Tooling & Infra

Infra + Devops

  • team don’t exist, aadi doing some when he needs it

  • let us know if you are interested in working in thisNo one has picked this up yet. Aadi will after TM is done.

Simulator (SIL) (Mostafa, Alex, Taim, ???)

  • Scope document: Guiding Questions

  •  review as a team during meeting? no update unfortunately

  • need to draft email to aiden’s prof

HIL (Hardware In the Loop) Controller (Yuchen, Mahir)

Tracking Antenna

  • no one working on it rn, maybe kevin still?

One thread Wonder for comp???????


  • wraping up the code and start testing

  • Will finish before feb 4th

  • discussing with sahil about the impl

  • Not in the call due to a call with sahil

Tracking Antenna (Rahul…temp)

  • No update. Will work on after LOS POS.

List of Open Tasks

  • optical flow sensor

  • Bidir DShot

  • SD Card Logging driver

  • USB Logging

  • Tracking Antenna?

  • LOS Link with CRSF SBUS

  • Add IOC configuration on Main ZP