Flight Test Updates
Good progress for IR detection system
false detections
camera settings are pretty good
configs are being adjusted
Flew with Houston and successfully identified IR beacon at multiple altitudes
can be tested on the ground for a lot of this
couple hundred from last FT
some false detections are from snow reflection
vibe on Pegasus is a concern
specific mounting to help minimize
making a new mount takes time
there should be geolocation outputs for this data
data is on the rpi
measure for relative accuracy
we do have coordinates for these beacons → Rohan Katreddy
Tuning aircraft had successful autotune, and flies incredibly stable now. future adjustments to be made
do we want to use x500 for more data?
will get images from pegasus first
some of them are smeary but due to moving the drone around
we have spares? need to get it all together which would be time
will look at logs for x500 airframes but it looks good
started with manual tuning, did one autotune cycle
detection of beacon #1 at 15m
Peggy validation flight for W25 was successful. Flew well and same as last term
Goal was to test KML sending over MavLink on Peggy → not complete
Issues with Pi and temperature/weather that caused this test to not be successful
Autonomy to get houston and pegasus Pi’s at the same state and LABEL the sd cards
switching the SD Cards caused problems
Peggy is set up to only display to vtx while houston displays only to hdmi output
Tuning airframe had two flights that will allow logs to be analyzed for more adjustments Manasva Katyal
One flight with figure 8s for MAGFit compass calibration
Another flight with all axes movements for FFT filter calibration
Autonomy Updates:
MAVLink KML messages
ground tested it in the simulator and was working for Maxwell Lou , Tochi Okoro had some issues
RPi being cold causes problems
ready for the next flight test for validation
ground test in the parking lot sometime this week
false detections in the data.
Can we test the algorithms for detection on the ground with images we’ve already collected?
How ready is geolocation?
Do we have viewable logs → yes
generating kml from that data is ready
When is the deadline for integrating the autonomy system together in readiness for a competition simulation?
integrated just needs testing on the hardware
only part that isn’t ready is pathing
a lot of work is already done for it
can more of it be ground tested? can be run in the simulator
is based on source of fire
EFS tuning airframe
next steps:
Is pretty much done its tuning cycle
Would just need to do a final performance evaluation flight and look at step response graphs
Can then start the process on Peggy 2
Can the X500 dev kit be used by autonomy as a lower vibe platform for the camera?
Nathan gave a list of things that could be done to improve image quality
Task 2
Ground Test Soon
Tank is being assembled
Need to ground test soon, looking at this week
will need EE help for pump harness
once ground test is done, will be flight test ready
will need to weight the drone again after the payload change
Flight Testing
Need to put time into pilot training
will be difficult regardless
person with most practice will be flying this on site.
Evan Janakievski going for this, need advanced for comp
How far down will the tube
and pumphang?pumps are mounted to bottom of drone, tubes will hang about 3 m
below the bottom of the drone
Dangling weight on end of tubes? Need to be tested at an FT
Possibility of having a full team work session?
Having everyone together to speed things up?
Not that many people onsite this term so this could be nice.
Sometimes it feels like some tasks take less time to complete than is invested in discussing them.
Just an idea, could be saved for leads meeting as well if it’s a long discussion
EE and mech can align for pumps
a lot of people in favor of this as an idea
nice to have people from other subteams there to help out
can have a bunch of onsite pilots there at the same time as autonomy
lettucemeet for this Daniel Puratich will create after the meeting
How ready are we for comp?
When is competition simulation 1 going to happen?
Was aiming for last weekend. Trying for this coming weekend?
IR Beacon arrival is blocking for competition simulation, order is placed cc Maxwell Lou
will need EE modifications when they arrive, cc Ryan Scomazzon
auto pathing wont be ready yet
KML over mavlink is good to go for next weekend
Backup plans
Targeting task 1 first Nathan Green & Daniel Puratich building this weekend
autonomy hardware stack will be the same
anyone here onsite with us is welcome to join in
We have the funds to spend on more development in a variety of forms.
other ppl are welcome to put in purchase requests to facilitate remote development
Weather in cali is more similar to competition than it is in loo
no snow here
Transporting the drone
We need to be able to put drone into suitcase, some sort of method to do this is crucial
Should simulate doing this within next month
plastic bins instead of suitcases
how far apart are we taking the drone apart?
are electronics coming off? some of them.
sandwiching is foam, removing tall electronics?
type of plastic container is important, initial idea:
we cannot guarantee a correct “this way up”
zip tie them shut
Proof of flight video
Due end of April two weeks before comp.
we would need to deliberately doing it essentially
people should be recording flight tests anyways yea.
EE Work Session plans Ryan Scomazzon
Mech gave some soldering to do
one pump → add xt30/60 connector dont remember which one
fix wiring on dc to xt connector for vtx system, exposed wire
harness on peggy becoming sketch → burnt connectors and heat shrink slipping
Fix led boards
Lots on our plate with little bandwidth, if you need something bad PLEASE bug me (Ryan Scomazzon) about it so I can prioritize. Trying my best to remember everything from before midterms but goldfish
Not super important for now but not sure if we mentioned it: EE is looking into a custom PDB
Daniel Puratich thoughts: there is no chance of readiness for competition at this point
For next comp cycle
Discussion of comp roster will be tomorrow in leads meeting
this is just an announcement but yea should come
Flight Test Planning
Thoughts on Friday flight tests?
Would work better with my (Evan Janakievski) schedule for March for at least 2 flight tests
Would want to make sure all comp attendees onsite could attend
Need to reschedule Autonomy KML mavlink Mavlink message flight test
Between March 7th and March 9th
Evan to confirm work schedule tmr
Look over asana dates and adjust/make updates
just a quick overview