Charles - competition committee
Susan - everything but scenario
Mark - Chief Judge (set scenario, answers for q, regarding what geos on)
Design paper, Jan 15 (1700EST)
Need LOGO , Team desc. Team photo (7 april)
Video proof of drone working (11 april)
Media release form (14 april)
Resumes (21 april)
Team Presentation (midnight thurs may 4)
payment due March 27. (Is a #, so can swap people).
accommodations arranged by CED alma
report scoring
5-7 judges , score each paper individually.
spreadsheet & then consistent scoring checks (take out mathematical outliers)
Read conops, if not in conops, ask mark.
may not answer questions bc they don’t want to kekw
make sure paper answers questions in scoring criteria.
doesn’t matter if design paper totally different to what you show up with
phase 2 judging not tied to phase 1. vice versa.
Q: lots of waypoints on the map…..? (would some be inaccessible due to drone laws)
not all of them will be used. Acc waypoints likely to be in different locations
(they haven’t figured out how they’re judging this lmao)
TCan need VLOS …. so terminus of each of the legs of each of the flights to observe
some waypoints will be in diff places. will not be asked to use all of the waypoinst.
We won’t be using illegal waypoints !
Barbies made to move (5 girls + 1 guy bc guys are more $ kekw)
1 Disabled barbie (comes with a wheelchair)
wheelchair wasn’t in Conops so likely won’t be required to also hold wheelchair in plane
Dates 5-7
teams usually arrive Thurs night (May 4)
5th start with presentations in the morning, preflight checks, etc.
Sat / Sun flight window days (Task 1, Task 2)
Strongly advise that teams stay until Monday Morning
(Banquet Sunday night - late n minimal sleep).
Task 1: proving that you can move people from one place to another.
at least 2, as much as 6
have to load barbies without moving drone
need some reasonably realistic entry/seating mechanism
Dolls constrained inside cabin somehow
looking for (first time) - realism
Landing location is fairly far away? (10-30km away?)
some nonfunc, some have obstacles.
select one landing pad out of them and then do so safely.
QR code diversion
each segment of autonomy gets points……….
we get a GPS tracker that goes on top of our drone.
everyone has same limitation on truth data.
no need to supply power to the unit. (incl. velcro).
Task 2
no need to actually carry passengers
must have the same cabin
up to us to optimize the routes.
in actual execution, can miss routes that said you were going to do
can recharge
Greenlight! for passengers aboard
points for autonomous route planning
arranged by alma based on spreadsheet
2 hours north of quebec city.
weather does a quebec moment
arrange own transport
all meals except Saturday eve dinner are provided
7:30 am Friday morning, competition starts with a reception
everyone has to be there!
Regulatory side
at an airport. Advanced pilot license
safety pilot responsible for UAV, they need insurance
some years location does not require the insurance
check in with university if they have insurance requirements (we should probably get this I think it’s probably just a good idea - it’s 20$ per year lol)
Arrival time up to us
Lessons Learned & Recommendations
don’t drive 30 hours nonstop
use checklists
can let them know if we want to arrive a day or two early (i.e. wednesday)