Wingchee W No new transactions posted on WEEF Public allocation spreadsheet. All new transactions look familiar .
MNS Tesla
Working out account balance differences between our internal ledger’s and WEEF’s. Getting reimbursement/procurement infos from some ppl and adjusting tax refund cost differences.
Talk about WEEF forgetting
EngSoc Proposal - DONE got $300 of funding from them
Wingchee W MEF Sponsorship Proposal: will email them our slide deck again (deadline Wed. night) and imo no changes needed, making a script for the 4-minute presentation, waiting for more (sign-up time slot) details , in-person presentation format: 4 minute presentation, 3 minutes for Q&A
either do it 5pm and let people eat after or 7pm and have people eat before.
Restaurant Social
for Leads social weve hit a restaraunt in the past, was pre fun to just hangout and improve team cohesion. Consider running again? But not restrict to leads