These are both anonymous and are to help us find out what we are doing right, what we can do better, and what projects people want to work on!
Reminder that you’re always welcome to provide feedback to leads and PMs if you have any ideas or don’t like how we’re running things! We want to do the best we can for everyone
Comp Drone
Smile if he wants, otherwise Alison
We have decided to fly Pegasus 1 at comp and bring Pegasus 2 as a back up
This is because there isn’t enough time to thoroughly test the new drone and Pegasus 1 has proven reliable
Pegasus 2 will be brought up and tested fully after competition, in parallel with some new projects
Antenna tracker needed an additional spacer to allow the gears to align as intended, I CADed this and Smile Khatri is working onsite to implement this change
Yaw was tested this weekend? - Smile Khatri any updates on this