Below is a list of all the data that is exchanged between the ground station and the aircraft.
Pigo (plane in ground out)
gpsCoordinates_t gpsCoordinates
heading (4 byte float)
latestDistance (4 byte float)
gimbalCommands, radians
pitch (4 byte float)
yaw (4 byte float)
beginLanding (1 byte bool)
beginTakeoff (1 byte bool)
Pogi (plane out ground in)
errorCode (1 byte uint8_t)
latitude ( 8 byte double)
longitude ( 8 byte double)
altitude ( 8 byte double)
currentAirspeed ( 4 byte float)
eulerAnglesOfPlane ZYX, in radians
yaw ( 4 byte float)
pitch (4 byte float)
roll (4 byte float)
eulerAnglesOfCamera ZYX, in radians
yaw ( 4 byte float)
pitch (4 byte float)
roll (4 byte float)