Still doing midterms. Will assign new task at next meting
Researching FreeRTOS for the Path-to-Telemetry interface
Working with mech as well to create a pitch rig.
Rig drone can sit in so we can check the balance of the drone.
Can also be used to check headings, pitch, etc. to test sensor performance.
Hasn’t bought the SD Card reader modules yet.
Has been doing research into the SD Card protocol
Will talk to gordon who has worked on SD Card protocols before
Talked about the idea of a single write function with two parameters that all external modules will call
String message (or byte array)
Text file message should go into
Timestamping of messages handled by SD Card driver
Dhruv U and Elias will brainstorm what messages we need specifically
Updates to come later
Will try to get started on it next week
Updating documentation for Sensor Fusion
Will start on algorithms shortly
Timeline (Done for next Tuesday)
Assigned logging task
Will have to talk to members for information available (Elias for PM AM and TM [Gordon here too], Tony for Sensor Fusion)
Need to construct messages that will be sent and decide where they will go in the code