Embedded Flight Software:
Changes to AEAC Sync structure
W24 AEAC Sync meeting times
Competition timeline review
W24 Flight test + Asana
1. Changes to AEAC Sync Structure
Meeting minutes still avail. 1 week before.
Project based updates. Projects sub-divided as found on [W24 integration page].
Global action items / system architecture updates to go at the start of the meeting
Project based action items to go at the start of each project section.
2. W24 AEAC Sync meeting time(s)
We are looking to find a time for W24 AEAC Sync meetings. Talked with subteam leads during Subteam : Director syncs about stacking the meeting before leads meetings:
Good things:
Fewer days to travel to campus.
Potentially more stayover from AEAC syncs so general members may stay through leads more.
Bad things:
Some subteam leads aren’t available all of Monday.
Potentially two back to back draining meetings.
Decision: [tbd]