The LiDAR visualizer is a tool designed to display data from a LiDAR sensor in a 2-dimensional space. This visualizer provides a top-down view of the environment where each point represents a LiDAR reading. This allows users to analyze what the LiDAR sees.
ensure you are in the lidar_viewer directory.
run ./ <path_to_log_file> [--start]
where path_to_log_file is the path to the log file generated by obstacle avoidance or the lidar driver only.
add the --start flag to start the server
if you did not use --start, start the server by entering the server directory and use node server.js
then, in a new terminal, start the visualizer by entering the visualizer directory and running npm start
ensure you have installed all packages by running npm install
open localhost:3000 on your machine to see lidar points
If using a lidar driver output file, you will see just the LiDAR points.
If using an obstacle avoidance logging file, you will see LiDAR points and odometry from the drone.
Coming soon: speed control, scale adjustments, how many points displayed each instance