Sep 22 Work Session (1PM - 4PM)
Boards available to be assembled:
6S Servo (5x)
CAN Circuit???'
Work Session Goals:
Provide a valuable learning experience for new members on board bring up + validation
Get a few boards assembled (and maybe working if timer permits??)
Allow PMs (Me & Meghan) to get a good idea of how sessions are run + possible improvements for subsequent meetings (things that go well & things that can be changed)
Assign boards/projects to sub-team members (ideally one board to be brought up per member)
Some boards that are still waiting to be assembled (not part of F24 Order):
Michael’s Buck (24V to 12V or 5V)
Nolan’s Tracking Antennae
Build up the knowledge for this term’s sub-team members & PMs to be able to work effectively and diligently in work sessions without too much required supervision from leads (allow PMs to run these almost independently for future sessions)