The purpose of this project is to fetch data from sensors on the PCB, convert it into CAN format, and send it to the flight computer. This document will record the details and progress of each sensor.
Reference: Sensor Cluster
GitHub repo:
MLX90393 Magnetometer Henry Wu Yutong Zhu
Data sheet:
Application note:
Reference libraries:
Breakout board: 4022 Adafruit Industries LLC | Development Boards, Kits, Programmers | DigiKey
Setup basic I2C transceive function(in blocking mode)
Setup functions for each command(refer to data sheet 15.1)
Setup functions to manipulate register values and data conversion(refer to data sheet 16)
Debugged and verified measurement read by comparing with sample Arduino code under same register settings - Nov 10, 2024
Test functions to change register values and switch to DMA - in progress
Write register and read register function tested and verified. Readings change according to settings. - Nov 12, 2024
DMA transfer ready to test - Nov 12, 2024
Consideration of DMA
Conversion setting: Higher OSR and digital filter setting lead to higher accuracy and lower noise, but higher covnersion time(refer to datasheet 16.2.5)
Sensitivity setting: Gain and resolution need to be tested on breakout board(refer to datasheet 16.2.4)