Document Overview
This document outlines the roster selection process for this competition cycle (2024-2025)
All general, selection criteria information can be found in Competition Roster Selection
Key Member Availability
Feel free to add anyone so we can start tracking early. Started filling this out in S24 a year in advance of comp. Include all the information you know, just your name isn’t really that useful by itself!
Daniel Puratich available (has advanced)
Georgia Vachon Westerlund co-op term
Nathan Green co-op term (has advanced)
Smile Khatri school term
Yuchen Lin school term (has advanced)
Hardy Yu school term
Evan Janakievski (has advanced)
Ryan Scomazzon co-op term
Member Count
In the previous competition cycle we brought 12 people
this was very nice, kind of want to repeat that.
It’s kind of a sweet spot where we still get a good amount of people to learn and key players but not too many that it’s tough to travel with.
In December we told organizers we would like to take roughly 12 people.
this is an approximate value and we should be able to do more or less depending on our financial analysis of logistics as solved below, but we should inform the organizers promptly.
Valid justifications to bring less than twelve people
competition tells us we need to bring less people
Valid justifications to bring more than twelve people
we have received less funding and dean’s funding this year partially because we have so much so bringing more people and expending some of these funds might be financially optimal for our future.
Logistics & Finance
Flying is also a possibility this year to get to Alberta which would probably reduce people count quite a bit as well.
Driving is a significant amount of time and doesn’t really save money so we are leaning toward flying.
Two vehicles, 12 people, was very nice last cycle, kind of want to repeat that. Also a vehicle cost optimization is nice especially if we can lock in two caravans.
Also worth looking into trailer training right now. If Nathan’s not confirmed to go, then we gonna need 2 trailer drivers
Would be very stressful to have new people drive the trailer for so many hours and likely isn’t safe.
General Finance Clarity
Attendees will split the bill for shared food during the trip.
WARG will not pay for attendees food.
Members must pay for their own food
Groceries will be split between all members
Competition provides some food at the venue
Attendees will not pay for competition merch
Comp merch has our sponsors logos and is bought by the team for members
Attendees will not pay for competition travel
Travelling to and from comp is paid for by WARG
Competition attendance fees are covered by the team
Everyone attending should be clear on their purpose and selected for good reason as sending people to competition costs the team financially.
Director Attendance
Two out of three directors minimum will be going to competition.
This is to ensure we are putting our best foot forward with respect to logistical and technical management of the team to drive our competition performance.
Directors have aligned this will be Georgia Vachon Westerlund and Nathan Green provided there are no conflicts with work terms and visas in which case Daniel Puratich can replace one of them. In the case both of them cannot attend a senior lead will fill this competition director role.
Note 2/3 directors hold the and all directors have senior member level experience with our system making them important assets besides their director roles.
Eight Member Case
Two Vehicles & Extra Storage Space
Director A
Director B & Advanced License Holder
mech a & Advanced License Holder
mech b
ee a
efs a
autonomy a
autonomy b
Twelve Member Case
Two Vehicles
Director A
Director B & Advanced License Holder
mech a & Advanced License Holder
mech b
mech c
ee a
ee b
efs a
autonomy a
autonomy b
autonomy c
autonomy d
Fifteen Member Case
Three Vehicles
Director A
Director B & Advanced License Holder
mech a & Advanced License Holder
mech b
mech c
mech d
ee a
ee b
efs a
efs b
autonomy a
autonomy b
autonomy c
autonomy d
autonomy e
Selection Timeline
Beginning of this document and director considerations: June 2024
In early December 2024 we told organizers we would like to take approximately 12 people to competition.
Announce competition interest form January 6th 2025
Final decisions list with names completed end of February ideally.