

In person


General Updates

Flight Tests


Pegasus/Competition Updates

2025-03-03 Competition Architecture Sync - Meetings - WARG

Eclipse Updates

2025-03-04 Eclipse Arch Sync - Meetings - WARG

Project Updates

In order of priority. These are the active design projects.

PDB Andrew Chai Kenny Na Megan Lee Santosh Erathasari

BMS Andrew Chai Sam Zhang Chenxuan Yuan Arsalan Nasrifar

12S Pre-Charge Controller ModuleRobert Tang Kevin Li

3S ESC Kenny Na Santosh Erathasari Megan Lee Magnus Scott

Tracking Antenna Controller + ELRS Gemini Tx Ahmed OsmanNolan Haines

12V Input to 65W USB-PD Source - Electrical - WARG Ian Van Den Steen

12V to 24V Boost Groundside Converter - Electrical - WARG Tim Gu

Sensor Cluster - Electrical - WARG Michael Botros

Open Tasks

Action Items