Video Transmission system

Video Transmission system

💻 System Overview



Requirements / Constraints





Requirements / Constraints





IMACS shall support low-latency video transmission over the specified range

Flying within BVLOS, applying detection on the ground


@Shrinjay Mukherjee

  1. OpenHD is not good because it’s too slow (not enough RAM). more details @ ryan

  2. 5.8G Hz used by other teams during comp.

  3. conclusion: RAM issue or not?

  4. buy multiply solutions and try them.

  5. Analog vs digital? (setup simple analog FPV for pilot and decide whether we can use that for CV or have a different system.) ->use Analog system

  6. Don’t prioritize ground side CV

  7. Pilot Video Link (VTX/VRX)

All IMACS equipment should be able to be carried out and set up by up to 2 people

Required for efficient operation at competition


@Anthony Luo


All IMACS equipment should be able to be run off 120V through extension cords in all outdoor conditions

Required to operate in any competition scenario


@Anthony Luo

Power hard to say, depend on Antenna setup. Might need 12V DC supply. later discussion

Critical video and RC links should be able to run on battery power for a return to home for up to 5km

Required for safety


@Anthony Luo

May need some form of battery backup?

All IMACS software should be able to setup and run on any reasonable laptop with ease

Required for easy setup and minimizing bugs @ comp


@Shrinjay Mukherjee


All IMACS equipment should fit within conventional luggage (checked or carry on)

Required for transport to comp


@Anthony Luo



directional antenna vs non directional antenna:

buy a cheap directional antenna and test them through out summer and fall. the price is $200 vs $50. Decision made by firmware. At least setup directional antenna and benchmark it.

VTX: about $50, Mateksys vs ReadyMade RC, decision made by FW

VRX: about $50, Mateksys vs ReadyMade RC, decision made by FW



get cable to display video in Ground station and connect to CV program







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