2023/24 Landing Pad Data Cleaning Instructions
Updated from Landing Pad Data Cleaning Instructions
Landing pad footage has been collected for usage in ML training for competition. The individual images sorted into folders can be found in the WARG OneDrive Autonomy/Model Training Data Cleaning folder (https://uofwaterloo-my.sharepoint.com/personal/uwarg_uwaterloo_ca/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?ga=1&id=%2Fpersonal%2Fuwarg%5Fuwaterloo%5Fca%2FDocuments%2FSubteam%20Folders%2FAutonomy%2FModel%20Training%20Data%20Cleaning ).
We want to keep the images with blue landing pads to label for training.
Keep images with at least 1 whole blue landing pad. Delete all other images.
Keep images only if the entire landing pad is visible
Delete images with clipped landing pad edges
This is an image of part of a landing pad. We want only images with whole landing pads. Delete.
This is also not an image of a full landing pad. Delete.