April 10, 2022
April 10, 2022
Date of Test | April 10, 2022 |
Participants | Shrinjay, Ryan, Aidan, Cindy, Andy |
Minutes Flown (plane) |
Minutes Flown (quad) |
Proof of flight video
Landing test
Flight Test with payload weight of 2kg - laps similar to how competition would be
OpenHD video transmission
Stability and validation of new airframe
Add electrical tape to new PDB
Secondary Objectives
Develop flight test checklists
High Level Tasks
Validate that OpenHD is ready for testing
Validate aircraft control and readiness for testing
Note down steps we take pre-flight to develop pre-flight checklist
At Flight
Record proof of flight video
Landing test within 58cm diameter
Payload flight test - Fly laps and measure battery
Take landing video
Validate that OpenHD video streams fine
Finalize and publish flight test checklists
Note down steps we take post-flight to develop post-flight checklist
Publish endurance info
Submit proof of flight
Problems Encountered
Aircraft crash occurred. See Retrospective.
Flight Test Requirements:
Tasks Before Next Test
Operational changes we need to make: Manufacturing needs to ensure motor tightening and stiffness of the motor mounts and arms using additional fasteners or other methods. Perform test flights in a recommended wind of about 10kts, reduce limit to 15kts until further testing. Perform testing with aircraft further away and possibly at higher altitudes to allow for room for correction.
Videos (optional)
Should be on the google drive