2022/12/1 Mech Meeting Notes

2022/12/1 Mech Meeting Notes

Task list!


@Megan Spee @Conall Kingshott @Matthew Visser



Action Items



Action Items

Comp Drone

Conops rerelease, go over the updates in #mech

Manufacturing Timeline - 3 weeks

assess availability over exams


wings, tail, are cnced in progress - complete hopefully by EOW

Nose/tail cones done by EOT, so foam equivalence should be done if CF isn’t


Corn Flakes (2w2)

Mechanically Complete, flying Sunday

Discuss testing plan

Will fly Sunday

testing motors and props if the thrust works (see mechelec)



  • orange good for visibility


New parts being made for this (arms), printing the body again

Mech electrical interlude - MOTORS (???) and funding


  • locking motors are a factory fit

  • buying new motors and running off 12S probably good

  • so get funding

Pixhawk power module

New 12S motors


Ground Tower + Ground station setup

1/2 towers made


Buy a compass and gps combo for the telemetry tower

Build the other tower


tube planes, 2x made

Wire coverings for the comp drone



Comp drone timeline overview ICARUS

Comp drone manufacturing Manufacturing Timeline - 3 weeks UPDATED!

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