Weekly Summary - Robert Tang


Brief documentation of what Robert Tang has been up to each week to help in synthesis of final report and so @Kevin Li can visualize where the time is going and help resolve roadblocks. Formatting is expected to be similar to .

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Week 1

  • Started and completed the Electrical Bootcamp

    • Carried out component selections, selecting resistors, capacitors, diodes, LDO IC to make a LDO regulator that converts 12 Volt to 5 Volt

      • Created footprints for the LDO IC and LED, and created schematics and PCB layouts

    • Applied methods such as polygon pouring, carefully selecting via placement to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of the 4 layer PCB board created

  • Researching about linear regulator and started looking into the project beginning next week (Week 2), which is buck converter.

Week 2

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