Georgia Vachon Westerlund unknown
Nathan Green will be hosting
Daniel Puratich setup meeting mins with stuff, but not attending
Range Test & Speed Test
Autonomy Integration Test
Embedded Flight Software
Range Test Results
IMU detailed logging analysis
Readiness for this weekend’s test
FLIR reach out status
Solutions for task 2
Lighting Board Rev 3 blocked by LEDS
Should come any time now
Tracking Antenna EFS Handoff Status?
we only had components for 2 boards, both boards have assembly issues.
one board’s buck pad is damaged, now the plan is to fix on the other board
will apply the fix after hot plate arrives, assembly will most likely finish early next week
RPi Board Rev B assembly and testing status?
Assembled and in testing with autonomy
Video system installed
Assembly plans for upcoming weekend?
Flight Test Schedule
Can we review the schedule and see if it still solves?
This is presented in Asana here
Please Nathan Green talk over the deadlines for all major tests this term and make sure the team is on board, feel free to adjust accordingly here!
Timelines are all up for discussion and should be determined democratically.
If directors are going to hard then let us know.
All short term tasks, especially ones we past the deadlines on, should ask subteam leads what their thoughts are on it.
Are we all happy with this weekend’s test?
descoped the risky stuff to focus on the stuff that matters: autonomy functionality