Ardupilot Integration
New SM Repo
stripped down version of system manager that only talks to telemetry manager & LOS layers. This is designed to allow easy and simple Ardupilot integration.
los layer integration
Integration with Ardupilot
controller state decoding
ppm output in los
Zeropilot SW ZeroPilot 3.0 Architecture - ZeroPilot - WARG (
System Manager System Manager
System Manager manages the highest level operations of the drone. SM is in charge of spawning and managing the TM, AM, and PM threads, facilitating inter-thread communications, determining the drone’s state of operation, some signal decoding, and handling of drone fatal failures.
Outstanding Tasks:
Further testing of RC to AM passthrough barebones version
Hardfault in communication to AM?
Uncomment and update code to integrate PM
Uncomment and update code to integrate TM
Determine TM input data format and conversion to PM format
Add use of global flag object for PM to RC input switching
Already created, should be easy to use
Improve fatal failure detection
Path Manager
Attitude Manager Attitude Manager 3.0 - ZeroPilot - WARG (
Attitude Manager manages the position of the aicrcraft in real time, using closed-loop controls algorithms for both fixed wing and multirotor aircraft. We receive position data from LOS_Pos and instructions either from PM or SM.
Generally, our flight modes include:
Manual (Acro) → the pilot controls the control surfaces directly, or controls the rate of angular acceleration
Stabilize (Horizon/Attitude) → the pilot inputs a desired angle, and the control algorithms attempt to maintain the desired angle in a global reference frame.
GPS (hold) → the pilot inputs desired translational motion, and the control algorithms attempt to maintain a position in a global reference frame.
In person only: Tuning
Outstanding tasks:
Fixed Wing Stabilize algorithm + tuning
Fixed Wing Manual tuning
Fixed Wing GPS algorithm + tuning
Quadcopter Stabilize tuning
Quadcopter GPS algorithm + tuning
Quadcopter Acro algorithm + tuning
Transition state algorithms + tuning
Newer / better PID Algorithms?
PID Auto-Tune?
Related SysInt material:
pid tuning rig from mechanical
having a working & wired drone from mech/ee
understanding how to safely operate a drone either on a rig or in the air
Telemetry Manager
Laminar OS
LOS Interfaces:
LOS Drivers
SD Card
Actuators (PWM +DShot)
Comms ?
Optical Flow (3901 - L0X or PX4FLOW)
PPM Output
LOS Core
SIL (simulator)
Tracking Antenna Tracking Antenna Project - ZeroPilot - WARG (
To automatically turn our directional antenna to always point at the aircraft
We use the GPS position and altitude of the drone to calculate the target yaw and pitch for the antenna, then control motors to rotate the antenna towards the target location
Outstanding task:
Implement the GPS position → yaw and pitch algorithm in C++ (already done in matlab)
Drivers for imu, GPS, and motors
Tune PID for motors if needed
Mechanical design for tracking antenna
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