Refer to Logging Research for a starting point (and necessary data) courtesy of GordOn
Information to be Logged
Attitude Manager
PID output for the actuators. Include the channel and PID value
Log if we enter failureState
Path Manager
Mode and stage of flight we are in
Cruising state
Cruising state instructions for modifying the flight path
Coordinated turns and elevation outputs:
Desired heading, altitude, and airspeed (Data sent from modes)
Desired roll, rudder, pitch, throttle (basically data sent to Attitude Manager)
Log if we enter failureState
Telemetry Manager
Confirming receipt/sending of data from groundstation
“Data sent to ground”
“Data received from ground”
If successful transfer, output a 1 as well, else 0
Log if we enter failureState
Sensor Fusion
Current state of the plane
Basically the SFOutput_t struct
roll, pitch, yaw, rollRate, etc.
Raw sensor data
Ex. accX, accY, accZ from IMU, airspeed from airspeed sensor
When sensor constructor is called/Sensor module is initialized (happens once in our program, so knowing if/when it happens is nice)
When they are polled, log the status of the sensor (Kaveet needs to come up with tracking sensor status)
Nice to Haves
Battery percentage log
Information we need in every message
uint32 seconds + uint32 nanoseconds
range for seconds: 0 - infinity
range for nanoseconds: 0 - 10^9
Error codes (int32(HHMMSS)
Odometry Msg
coordinates in relation to the starting point? (starting point/home is (0,0) and everything is relative)
Telemetry Msg
sensor data (IMU, GPS, etc)
path manager waypoints
GPS coordinates
Target vs actual/current values of altimeter, RPM, Euler angles, etc.
State Report Msg
flight mode (takeoff, landing, is landed, following waypoints, etc.)
battery charge