Project | PM | Notes |
Pathing | Aaron Wang | Integrate common MAVLink to pathing is now a milestone Quan Le has been assigned to creating upload command function in FlightController Chloe Yip QR listener Iris Mo Implement 2023 task 1 Jane Zeng Run MAVLink from csv/text Matthew Riley assigned to task to create algorithm for inflating a bounded region
Airside | Dylan Finlay | GeolocGeolocation flight tested - not accurate enough for landing New architecture for Auto-landing Set up Pi 5 - add usage documentation Dahui Kang cluster estimation Amy Hu Decision handling in flight interface Mihir Gupta test geolocation Put up a PR to keep the config.yaml configured to the specifications of the Raspberry Pi 5 Put up the PR to add logging to geolocation Write documentation on geolocation, how to take measurements for the config.yaml file for geolocation, and how to set up the autonomy software on the drone.
Herman Gahra Decision worker Ashish Agrahari Graceful handling and notification of errors Ashish Agrahari Move Worker Management Ashish Agrahari Research extending Ardupilot with ROS Dylan Finlay Modify detect target to be configurable Dylan Finlay Write main_detect_target script
ML | Yash Gunturi Eshwara Vidya | |
LTE | Maxwell Lou | |
IMACS | Balaji Leninrajan | |
Obstacle Avoidance | Andrew Shum | |