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🍍 Updates this week!
Announcements/General updates
Unified Video System (Tom)
Updated the block diagram, feel free to check it out anytime.
Is there anyone on-site who can help me check out some of the component pinouts, maybe see if there is a paper copy of a user manual for some of them?
Once the block diagram is confirmed, I will start the schematic and talk to the mech team to get things started.
GPS CAN Adapter (Omar)
Bring up happening tomorrow, feel free to come and help!
Servo Module 12S (Jerry)
48V->12V,8V,5V @ 3A BEC (Buck Converter) (Ishman)
Buck and Current Sense Schematic should be finalized, will be helping Rayyan on some of the other schematics.
5V USB - 24V @0.25A Boost Converter (Allan)
Smoke Stopper (Anthony?)