This guide is for members, as defined in Member Definition, who are curious and interested in becoming a Project Manager.
What is a Project Manager?
Before becoming a PM, you must know what a PM is. A PM is someone who leads a technical project in a subteam. A PM is responsible for breaking down the project into concrete tasks and delegating them amongst the subteam. Specific responsibilities are outlined in Project Manager Responsibilities.
How do you become a Project Manager?
There is no concrete list of requirements that you need to follow. However, there are certain characteristics that subteam leads look for when selecting a PM. If you are curious, the PM selection guide for WARG leadership team is in Project Manager Selection Guide
In general, here are a list of actions and traits that could help you become a Project Manager:
attend subteam meetings regularly (missing one or two is no big deal)
take on tasks and deliver well within reasonable deadline
do not be afraid to ask questions
suggest process improvements
be a team player, help out members when they ask
highly encourage attending flight test and integration meeting to interact with other PMs, leads of other subteams, and directors