Expectations of Members

Expectations of Members


To consolidate the key values that we hold in high regard at WARG, this document was created to put into writing what we already do and want to communicate to new members.

Expectations of the team - WARG will…

Provide a safe, inclusive, professional space intended for productive conversation.

Give you the tools you need to succeed, whether physical (in the form of supplies) and purchased by the team for you to use, or personally in the form of training.

Mentor you towards becoming a better engineer, leader, and student.

Expectations of team members - You will…

Treat others as you would like to be treated - with respect, compassion, kindness, and patience.

Put school first, even though it’s cool to work on drones. We won’t police this (because it’s not really feasible), but you can’t be a member of WARG if you get kicked out of the university as per Member Definition.

Speak up, no matter who’s in the room. If you feel your opinion hasn’t been heard, or something needs more research, or a meeting is dragging on, say it. Be that squeaky wheel, make some noise, get things going!

Follow Applicable WARG Policies - General policies for WARG can be found in Policies and our data handling policies can be found inData Handling . There’s a lot of reading here so just skim them so you know they exist initially and read them in detail when they come up!