Evaluation and Recommendations

Evaluation and Recommendations

Design loop feedback is created during this stage of the iterative design process. At this point in the design loop, the understanding of the situation of concern has changed. The idea here is to take the work you have done and what you have learned and ensure that it is captured and applied in future iterations of the design loop. Be sure to include both positive and negative insights. The process of creating recommendations does not always need to be formally written (especially for very early iterations) but should always be considered.


If you are looking for a format for feedback, see below:

Each piece of feedback should have a name, and be logically separated. Use media (pictures, videos, charts, etc.) to help explain the feedback. Make sure to have a direct action assigned to team members (or subteams as appropriate) for the iteration of the design loop.

Feedback Template:

Name of Feedback - Date Recorded



Recommended Action:
